Agenda item

Herefordshire Council's Strategy for Biodiversity Conservation

To consider progress in the preparation of a Biodiversity Strategy for Herefordshire Council, and seek the views of the Environment Scrutiny Committee upon the draft document.


The Committee considered progress in the preparation of a Biodiversity Strategy for Herefordshire Council.


The Conservation Manager presented his report and highlighted: the background to the subject; government guidance received, including a briefing note derived from DEFRA guidance at appendix 1 to the report; the preparation of the draft strategy, copies having been circulated with the agenda; a comparison of the draft with DEFRA guidance (s40 Duty); financial implications and methods of monitoring effectiveness and performance.


During consideration of the draft Strategy the following principal points were noted:


  • The Strategy set out the vision for the Council over the next three years and was intended to establish and prioritise the Council’s commitments to action; build on relationships and integration with other key County strategies and local regional and national policies and programmes, and make a significant contribution to conserving and enhancing the County’s biodiversity.  This Strategy therefore linked to, and supported, the wider Local Biodiversity Action Plan, which in turn was supported by the Herefordshire Biodiversity Partnership.
  • Being aware of the need to communicate the wide range of key environment/biodiversity activity underway the Cabinet Member (Environment & Strategic Housing) is looking to produce a ‘Steps to Sustainability’ information leaflet.
  • The National Farmers Union had raised the issue of targeting criteria for Higher Level Stewardship grants, which were nationally rather than locally based, with the Leader of the Council. It was understood Natural England reviewing the priorities and would be consulting stakeholders as some stage in the near future.
  • Much of the funding/resources for the initiatives in the Strategy would be from existing Council or Partnership budgets. In future years budget priorities may need to be reconsidered to reflect the strategy objectives. Any opportunity to obtain additional external funding would be pursued. 
  • Work had commenced on producing a Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) Communications Plan, which would seek to encourage all sectors of the community in the BAP process.
  • A Green Infrastructure Strategy was being developed to assist the development of planning policies within the Local Development Framework.
  • Continuity planning for any major environmental emergency was the responsibility of the Environment Agency.
  • A balance had to be struck between leaving highway verges uncut and cutting an appropriate visibility strip to facilitate highway safety and for hedge and ditch maintenance.
  • Responding to questions on the Edgar Street Grid development the Committee were informed that the Council were working with the ESG Consultants to ensure the best biodiversity outcome from the project.
  • Responding to a suggestion that a small working group be formed to further review the draft policy and provide further comment the Vice-Chairman undertook to consult with the Chairman.




a)         the draft Biodiversity Strategy be amended to make reference to the work being undertaken to prepare a green infrastructure strategy as part of the evidence basis and approach to the Local Development Framework.


b)         the Cabinet Member (Environment and Strategic Housing) be recommended to approve the Biodiversity Strategy 2007 - 2010; and


c)         the Cabinet Member (Environment and Strategic Housing) agree and implement reporting arrangements upon progress towards achieving the actions, projects and targets within the Biodiversity Strategy, following discussions with relevant services.

Supporting documents: