Agenda item


To report performance for the first half of 2007-08 against the Annual Operating Plan 2007-08, national performance indicators used externally to measure the performance of the council, together with performance against revenue and capital budgets and corporate risks, and remedial action to address areas of under-performance.


The Committee considered performance for the first half of 2007-08 against the Annual Operating Plan 2007-08, national performance indicators used externally to measure the performance of the council, together with performance against revenue and capital budgets and corporate risks, and remedial action to address areas of under-performance.


Performance against Performance Indicators


The Head of Policy and Performance presented the report. 


In the ensuing discussion the following principal points were made (page references are to pages of the Integrated Performance and Finance Report (IPR) circulated as a separate document):


·         (p39) An explanation was sought of progress on performance indicators relating to lifestyle: 22a-g, which were marked as red (not on target).  The IPR stated that a meeting had been arranged with the Primary Care Trust in November that should result in an agreed set of defined indicators and targets.  The Improvement Manager replied that lead officers for each target had been agreed by the Children’s Trust Board earlier in the month.  Whilst considerable activity was taking place to address these lifestyle issues it was proving difficult to agree indicators that measured progress. 


It was requested that a progress report be made to the Committee’s next meeting.


·         It was acknowledged that the clarity of the presentation of the performance information had been improved in response to comments made by the Committee, assisting the more efficient conduct of business.


·         (p40) In relation to indicator 35b HCS (No of half day sessions missed by looked after children as % of total number of sessions in primary schools) it was noted that the latest figures when available at the end of October would show high levels of absenteeism.  The Head of Safeguarding and Assessment said that this was an important issue particularly given the Council’s responsibility to looked after Children as their Corporate Parent.  Personal Education Plans set out educational and pastoral measures to address non-attendance.  The service was working closely with social workers to target improvement.


·         (p51) It was noted that 5 of the 9 targets marked as amber (some progress/data not yet available so not possible to determine trend) under the priority: maximising the health, safety, economic well-being, achievements and contribution of every child related to non-attendance at school. The Head of Safeguarding and Assessment commented that although the Education Welfare Service was the lead service there was a need to work with partners to address the issues and improve performance in this area. An attendance strategy was currently being discussed with schools.


·         (p39/40) Performance against target 89b (completion rate of initial assessments of children in need within 7 working days of referral) was questioned.  The Head of Safeguarding and Assessment said that this was a critical indicator.  The principal reason why the target was not being met was difficulty in recruiting and retaining social workers.  This was a national problem.  However, he considered that action that had been taken locally such as strengthening links with local colleges was proving beneficial.  Staff numbers were starting to increase but as these were newly qualified staff it would take time for the full benefit to be realised.  Asked about overall progress he said that following the Joint Area Review in 2005 when the Service had 46.1 Social Workers in this particular service a target had been agreed with Government Office West Midlands of 57        Social Workers in post by March 2009.  This equated to 53 staff by March 2008 and the Council was on track with 52.5 staff in post.   In parallel with the recruitment exercise the numbers of agency staff were being decreased.  He considered that there were signs performance was improving.


·         (p41) It was noted that the four Local Public Service indicators marked as red were all partnership led.  Performance reward grant was attached to performance against these indicators.  The Partnership Performance Management Group had not been satisfied with progress.  It was proposed that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman should be regularly briefed by the Chairman of the PPMG.


·         (p39) The position on target 13 HCS Average length of stay in B&B accommodation for homeless households was noted.


Revenue and Capital Budgets and Corporate Risks


The Director of Resources presented the section of the report on the revenue and capital budgets and corporate risks.


The summary of the revenue budget was that there was a projected overspend of £3.259 million.  This continued to be of concern given the potential implications for 2008/09 and the poor Comprehensive Spending Review Settlement for local government for 2007. 


The increase in the projected overspend on the Corporate and Customer Services Directorate budget from 11.9% to 17% was questioned.  The Director of Resources said that the July forecast of outturn for the year for this Directorate did not include the unbudgeted revenue implications of the Community Network upgrade (CNU) contract as this issue had not been identified at the time the report was written.  The September report showed a much improved position on the Directorate’s other budget headings but this was more than offset by the inclusion of the CNU position.


It was noted that the format of the finance section of the report had been amended in response to the Committee’s comments.  This was welcomed. 




That    (a)     the Director of Children’s Services and the Director of Adult and Community Services report to the next meeting on progress in identifying an agreed set of defined indicators and targets for measures of healthy lifestyles  (indicators 22a-g);


            (b)    the improvement in the clarity of the presentation of performance and financial information in response to the Committee’s observations be welcomed;




            (c)     it be requested that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Committee be provided with regular briefings by the Chairman of the Partnership Performance Management Group.

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