Agenda item

Report by Cabinet Member (Environment and Strategic Housing)

To receive a report on key issues.


Director of Environment gave an oral overview of key elements of the Environment programme area on behalf of the Cabinet Member (Environment and Strategic Housing).


The Director of Environment and the Head of Planning Services highlighted the following issues:

  • elements of the waste subject would be mentioned during a later agenda item however, it was noted that the joint waste contract with Worcestershire was complex and crucial and that major penalties could be incurred in the future if the contract was wrong.  The current collection contract was being reviewed, the correct infrastructure needed to be in place to deal with the resultant waste and significant investment would be needed.
  • the service was consulting on implementing the National initiative ‘score on the door’ scheme.  Following a food hygiene inspection of the premises the score would be publicly displayed on the premises door there by providing a competitive advantage to premises with good hygiene standards.  The Committee also noted that under a new inspection regime wherever possible inspections would be combined to reduce the number of visits and disruption to premises.
  • Discussions were ongoing concerning increasing the level of service provided during out of hours towards antisocial behaviour (noise) issues. As part of this discussion meetings were being held with the police to co-ordinate actions and pool data.
  • Good progress was being made with the Local Development Framework, which would replace the UDP and provide the core strategy to 2026. Officer and member involvement was needed to consider the infrastructure implications in meeting the regional planning targets.
  • Edgar Street Grid (ESG) development would provide a key focus to new housing in the City. A Supplementary planning documents had been completed. ESG are working with three shortlisted developers to discus pre planning application issues. A planning application for the site was expected in 2008.
  • Work was ongoing concerning the Biodiversity Action Plan on which a report would be made to the December meeting of the Committee.  The Plan facilitated the drawing down of government funding and considered issues concerning new or existing conservation areas.
  • Planning application numbers and fees were holding up well.  The Service were looking to upgrade the IT system in 2008 to enable planning applications and correspondence to be electronically scanned and made readily available.


Questioned on the provision of new housing the Committee noted that the UDP would continue for a further 3 years.  There would need to be broader thinking around the type of housing provided and infrastructure provision to enable the 16,500 new homes to be encompassed in the UDP.


Responding to questions on whether the Council could impose higher building standards to require developers to provided eco-style housing the Head of Planning Services reported that the Council could only invite developers to comply.  He remarked that the larger developers may be willing to work to higher standards, however, economic issues seemed to prevail concerning the development of small plots by local developers.  He hoped that the national regulations would be revised to reflect eco-policies.


The Committee further noted that issues concerning procedure and guidance on ‘planning obligations’ would be the subject of a report to Cabinet.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.