Agenda item


For:     Mr R Langley per Neil Boddison Associates Ltd, The Studio, 19 Bird Street, Lichfield, Staffordshire. WS13 6PW


Ward: Hope End


The Sub-Committee was agreeable to the suggestion of the Northern Team Leader that the following conditions be added:


F48 prior agreement on slab levels;
Reason: to define permission and ensure appropriate scale and height; and


H29 secure cycle parking provision
Reason: adequate provision for secure cycle parking.




That planning permission be granted, subject to the aforementioned conditions and the following conditions:


1 -     A01 (Time limit for commencement (full permission)).


         Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


2 -     Prior to commencement of the development hereby permitted the following matters shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for their written approval:


-          Written details and samples of all external materials to be used in the construction of the houses;

-          Written details and samples of all surfacing materials in relation to the vehicular means of access, turning/manoeuvring areas and car parking;

-     The finished ground floor slab levels (above ordnance datum) of each dwelling.


         The development hereby permitted shall not commence until the Local Planning Authority has given such written approval.  The development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved details and thereafter maintained as such.


         Reason:  To ensure a satisfactory appearance to the development.


3 -     Prior to commencement of the development hereby permitted full written details of the proposed boundary treatments shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for their written approval.  The development hereby permitted shall not commence until the Local Planning Authority has given such written approval.  The approved boundary treatments shall be fully implemented prior to the first occupation of any of the dwellings hereby permitted and thereafter maintained as such.


         Reason:  To ensure a satisfactory appearance to the development.


4 -     No development shall take place until there has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority a scheme of landscaping using indigenous species.  The submitted scheme of landscaping must detail the location of all planting, the species, their size and the density of planting.


         Reason:  To ensure that the development is satisfactorily integrated into the locality.


5 -     All planting, seeding and turfing in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out in the first planting and seeding seasons following the first occupation of the dwellings hereby permitted or completion of the development (whichever is the sooner).  Any trees or plants which within a period of five years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species, unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation.


         Reason:  To ensure that the development is satisfactorily integrated into the locality.


6 -     Prior to the first occupation of any of the dwellings hereby permitted the vehicular means of access, car parking, turning/manoeuvring areas for vehicles shown upon the approved plans shall be implemented.  Thereafter these areas and facilities shall be kept available for such use.


         Reason:  In the interests of highway safety.


7 -     Prior to commencement of the development hereby permitted details of surface water drainage arrangements shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for their written approval.  The development hereby permitted shall not commence until the Local Planning Authority has given such written approval.  None of the dwellings hereby permitted shall be occupied until the approved surface water drainage arrangements have been implemented.  Thereafter the implemented surface water drainage arrangements shall be maintained.


         Reason:  To ensure satisfactory surface water drainage arrangements.


8 -     Prior to commencement of the development hereby permitted the trees upon the site that are the subject of a tree preservation order shall be protected by fencing of at lease 1.2 metres in height in accordance with section 9.2 of BS5837:2005 comprising vertical and horizontal framework of scaffolding (well braced to withstand impacts) supporting either chestnut cleft fencing or chain link fencing in accordance with figure 2 of BS5837:2005.  Once these protective measures have been erected but prior to the commencement of the development a suitably qualified arboricultural consultant shall inspect the site and write to confirm that the protective measures are in situ.  Upon confirmation of receipt of that letter by the Local Planning Authority the development may commence but the tree protection measures must remain in situ until completion of the development.


         Reason:  To safeguard the trees upon the site that are of amenity value.


9 -     None of the houses hereby permitted shall be occupied until a visibility splay of 2.4 metres x 30 metres kept free of obstruction from a height of 90 centimetres above existing ground level has been provided in a southerly direction.  Thereafter this visibility splay shall be maintained and kept free of obstruction from a height of 90 centimetres above existing ground level.


         Reason:  In the interests of highway safety.




1 -     The details required to be submitted pursuant to condition 2 should include a high quality plain or multi red stock brick and a clay plain tile.


2 -     The details required to be submitted pursuant to condition 4 should show the retention of the existing frontage hedge and the hedgerow along the rear (western) boundary.


3 -     N15 - Reason(s) for the Grant of PP/LBC/CAC


4 -     For the avoidance of any doubt the plans to which this decision relates are:-


-         Location Plan (Scale 1:500) Drawing No. 30118 02 received 30th July 2007;

-         Proposed Site Layout (Scale 1:200) Drawing No. 30118 01 received 30th July 2007;

-     Plots 1 & 2 Floor Plans and Elevations (Scale 1:100) Drawing No. 30118 03 received 30th July 2007;

-     Plots 3, 4 & 5 Floor Plans and Elevations (Scale 1:100) Drawing No. 30118 04 received 30th July 2007;

-         Street Scenes (Scale 1:200) Drawing No. 30118 05 received 31st July 2007.

Supporting documents: