Agenda item

Presentation by Cabinet Member - Economic Development and Community Services

To receive a presentation by the Cabinet Member (Economic Development and Community Services) informing the Committee of policy issues affecting this programme area and the main priorities.


Councillor AJM Blackshaw (Cabinet Member – Economic Development and Community Services) presented his report, copies of which were circulated at the meeting.


The report set out current issues and priorities for the next 12 month period, major decisions expected to be taken, and areas identified for performance improvement.  The Cabinet Member concluded by noting that with ever increasing pressure on budgets it would be a continuing challenge to maintain performance and strive for improvement.


In the course of discussion the following principal points were made:


·         A question was asked about the approach to making budget savings, suggesting that the measures under consideration seemed to involve service reduction rather than focusing on cost reduction.  In this context reference was made to the proposal to reduce the opening time for Leominster Tourist Information Centre to six months which it was stated would have a big impact on service but would only generate a small saving.  The Cabinet Member said that consideration had to be given to making savings on non-statutory services.  It was difficult to make significant savings and the focus was therefore on making small reductions across a number of areas.


·         The Head of Economic and Community Services noted that there was an immediate pressure to meet the fact that budgets for 2007/08 had only been increased to account for pay inflation. To balance the budget for 2007/08 savings of £108,000 would need to be secured.  The position at Leominster was being reviewed and it was now proposed to delay a decision for a year and look at other options. 


·         The national thinking regarding the transfer of assets owned by local authorities to local ownership and the possibility of a role for the Herefordshire Association of Local Councils was raised.  It was suggested that a protocol could be developed.


·         A further question was asked as to whether the Council could inform Community Groups of proposed disposals and liaise with them over ways in which those groups might take local ownership of assets.  The Cabinet Member said that discussions were taking place.  A Member noted that the maintenance costs of buildings were often beyond the abilities of local bodies to meet.


·         The Cabinet Member commented that he was mindful of the desire to maintain a presence in the Market Towns.  However, it was important to manage assets effectively.  This could involve wider working across the directorate and also across directorates as a whole.


·         In response to a question about the proposed development of Ross Library the Cabinet Member confirmed his intention to engage with Local Members.


·         It was questioned whether the resource was available to meet the new requirement that decisions on public path order applications be made within 4 months.


·         That it was important that the resource implications of the Crime and Disorder Act and the change to the operation of the Community Safety and Drugs Partnership were reflected in the Medium Term Financial Management Strategy.


·         That consideration should be given to the potential role Parish Councils might have in relation to the Commons Act 2006.


·         The performance indicator on the percentage of footpaths and rights of way easy to use by the public, described as hovering around the lower threshold of 50%, was discussed having regard to tourism implications.  The Director of Adult and Community Services said that although he did not think additional resources could be allocated to address the pressures on maintenance and the backlog in Diversion Orders he did think resources could be targeted on those routes linked to the Council’s tourism promotions.  In response to further comments about the accessibility of the network he added that the interpretation of the definition of the performance indicator target was being checked to establish whether it was a true reflection of the situation on the ground.


·         The Cabinet Member welcomed the suggestion that Parish Councils, and organisations such as the Ramblers Associations and Herefordshire Nature Trust should be invited to assist in identifying priority routes.


·         A question was asked about how the new grant programme designed to engage older people in their community could be accessed.  The Head of Economic and Community Services reported that information on the scheme had been widely circulated, including to Parish Councils and Age Concern.


The Chairman thanked the Cabinet Member for his presentation.