Agenda item


To review the composite prospectus for the admission/transfer of pupils into primary and high schools in Herefordshire – otherwise know as the Information for Parents Booklet.


The Forum considered a report regarding the review of a composite prospectus for the admission/transfer of pupils into primary and high schools in Herefordshire, otherwise known as the Information for Parents Booklet.


The Forum was reminded that the Booklet was produced for parents as a consequence of Statute but that there were always possibilities of amending or producing further information in the document for the benefit of parents.


Members were referred to paragraph 7.1 of the Booklet, and noted that as a result of the Educational Changes Act, from September 2008, eligibility for free transport had been extended and that this paragraph detailed these new arrangements.


It was also noted that an item later on the Agenda was requesting the Forum to examine amendments to Planned Admission Numbers and that any amendments approved by the Forum would be reflected in the Booklet.


Circulated at the meeting, and attached to these Minutes, was a revised Admissions Policy for St.Mary’s Roman Catholic High School to replace the Policy set out in Appendix 5 to the Booklet.


Reference was made to the imminent closure of Brilley Primary school. As a consequence, on page 102 in Appendix 7, ‘Brilley’ should be amended to refer to ‘Kington and Risley’. And on page 106 of that Appendix, the reference to ‘part Brilley’ should be deleted in the Parish of ‘Kington’. Brilley should also be deleted from the Parish of Whitney-on-Wye in the same Appendix.


Resolved:  That the various amendments and changes referred to in the above preamble to this Minute be approved and the draft document (Information for Parents Booklet) be amended accordingly.



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