Agenda item


To receive the report and to consider any recommendations to Council arising from the meetings held on 22nd March and 12th April, 2007.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor R.J. Phillips, presented the report of the meetings of Cabinet held on 22nd March and 12th April, 2007.


In relation to Item 3.2 - Connexions Transition Plan and Commissioning Arrangements - In response to a query the Cabinet Member (Children and Young People) confirmed that a location for the meetings had not yet been decided.


In relation to Item 4.1(i) - Gender Equality Scheme - In response to a request that female councillors should not have their title (Mrs. Ms or Miss) included on the nameplates, the Leader agreed that this would be looked at again following the election.


In relation to Item 4.1(iv) - Election Costs - In response to a query the Chief Executive advised that, in his role of Returning Officer, he would be unable to answer specific questions about the elections at the Council meeting, other than questions related to the item in the report, as it could be seen to be giving undue advantage to those Councillors who were seeking re-election.  He did, however, confirm that, as Returning Officer, he would be held personally responsible for any costs associated with a successful legal challenge to the election.  He said he would be willing to answer questions from individual candidates, both those who were serving Councillors or not, outside the meeting.  A number of Councillors commented on the late despatch of postal votes and errors on the ballot papers.


In response to a question on the allocation of election costs he advised that the Council had consulted with the Herefordshire Association of Local Councils on the costs, and it was a request for some late revisions to the proposals that meant it had not been possible to inform parish councils sooner.  He went on the say that the Council have been advising parish councils for some time, to make provision in their annual precept for elections which were normally held every four years, but many of them still did not do this.


In relation to Item 8.2(i) - Outcome of Settlement Negotiations in Connection with High Court Proceedings Relating to the River Wye - In response to a query, Councillor D.B. Wilcox, Cabinet Member (Highways and Transportation) said that the Council had agreed to pay £30,000 towards the legal costs of the Church Commissions, following advice that the Council would be unlikely to win should the case proceed.  He confirmed that the agreement would have no effect on the accessibility of Corporation Wharf.  It would be up to the new administration to decide whether it wished to improve the access.  He confirmed that the Angling Association controlled the fishing rights for those over the age of 18.


The Leader reminded Council that, with the exception of the advice of Counsel, all the reports and discussions on this matter were open to the public.


Councillor Mrs. M.D. Lloyd-Hayes, having previously declared a prejudicial interest in this item, left the chamber for the duration of the discussion.


In relation to Item 10.2(iii) - Local Government Association Briefings on the Lyons Report and Budget - In response to a comment, the Leader agreed that the report was a disappointment and did not do local government justice.


In a closing speech he thanked the Cabinet Members for their support over the past four years, and also thanked Councillors Anne Gray and Jenny Hyde for their support to the Cabinet Member (Children and Young People).  He also mentioned Councillor Joyce Davis.   He went on to thank the Chief Executive, Directors, Heads of Service and all staff with a special mention to the secretarial staff and his own secretary, Mrs. Jean Wood who would be retiring shortly.


The Chairman also thanked Mrs. Wood.


RESOLVED:  That the reports from the meetings of Cabinet held on 22nd March and 12th April, 2007 be received.

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