Agenda item


To report on the outcomes from the Adult Social Care and Strategic Housing Scrutiny Committee’s homelessness consultation event in December 2006 and to consider and agree the recommendations.


The Committee considered a report on the outcomes from the Committee’s homelessness consultation event held in December 2006 and recommendations arising from it.


This followed on from an initial homelessness event held in October 2005. The event included representatives from relevant agencies across the County.  It focussed on lessons learned in the last year in terms of tackling the main causes of homelessness in Herefordshire and explored opportunities for closer working arrangements in the future.  


The Change Manager- Homelessness observed that the event had been successful, building on the first event and generating a number of ideas.


One of the issues highlighted at the event had been the importance of educating children about the realities of homelessness.  This was reflected in recommendation (e) in the report: that agencies should continue to work closely with schools to successfully prevent youth homelessness.


The Committee was informed of a project developed by the Council and the Supporting Herefordshire Young People Project involving a presentation on homelessness aimed at year 10 pupils.  To date three sessions had been delivered to pupils at Wyebridge College, Hereford.  It was reported that it was intended to roll the project out to all schools over the next four years.  The estimated cost of delivering the presentation to all schools was £35-38k per year.


Members commented on the importance of debt management being included in the programme and the possible role of Ward Members.  They also discussed the scope for involving Registered Social Landlords, Charities and Banks in supporting the Scheme.


The Head of Strategic Housing Services agreed to circulate details of the presentation to Members of the Committee and feedback from the pupils and to confirm the extent of focus on debt management.


It was proposed that the youth homelessness prevention programme was so important that it should be rolled out to all secondary schools in 2007/08 rather than over a four year period as proposed and that recommendation (e) should be strengthened accordingly.


RESOLVED: That the Cabinet Member (Social Care Adults and Health) be recommended:


(a)               to note the level of ongoing debt-related homelessness in Herefordshire, and that the Council should consider ways of proactively tackling this issue;

(b)               that knowledge of options in the housing market should be increased, amongst the public, and amongst the agencies working with customers threatened with homelessness;

(c)               that agencies should continue to work together to share information and further develop an ‘early warning’ approach to homelessness, building on good practice established during the last year;

(d)               that mediation and sanctuary options have made an impact in reducing homelessness in Herefordshire and  should continue to be considered with young people and victims of domestic violence whenever appropriate;

(e)               that agencies should continue to work closely with schools to successfully prevent youth homelessness with the youth homelessness prevention programme being rolled out to all secondary schools in 2007/08  and further work is undertaken to develop further potential in the private sector housing market;

(f)                 that the Council continues to develop preventative and reconciliatory protocols in relation to homelessness in partnership with other agencies;


(g)               that the Council explores new ways of preventing homelessness for families who have experienced this in the past, and considers the support required to ensure these families do not become homeless in the future.

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