Agenda item


Removal of condition 6 of permission NE2000/2725/F so that the property can be used to accommodate an agricultural worker.


Removal of condition 6 of permission NE2000/2725/F so that the property can be used to accommodate an agricultural worker.


The Principal Planning Officer reported on the receipt of a copy of a letter sent to the Chairman which explained the applicants’ case and whether the existing dwelling was suitable for occupation by a stockman.  The applicant had contended that


·         the existing dwelling was very large;

·         agriculture could not provide enough income for the maintenance of the house and the occupant must work off the holding;

·         the applicants could not meet the functional need of the holding without an on-site stockman; and

·         the occupants would vacate their property for the on-site worker but in this case the dwelling was not commensurate with the functional need, therefore an additional unit of accommodation was required.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, Mrs. Drewett the applicants agent spoke in support of the application.


Councillor J.W. Edwards, the Local Ward Member, shared the views of the applicants that it was essential for a stockman to be living on site and that the applicants could not manage the farm on their own during peak times such as lambing.  The existing farmhouse was a large six-bedroomed building with high maintenance costs and it was not practicable for the applicants to make it available for a stockman and try and find alternative accommodation nearby which would be beyond there means. He felt that the only practical alternative was for the application to be granted and that this could be done with an agricultural occupancy condition which tied the mobile home to the farm house.  Several Members of the Sub Committee concurred with this view and felt that in this particular case an exception could be made to the Council’s Planning Policies.


The Southern Team Leader advised Members that the Officers were not satisfied that the continued use of the mobile home was essential in support the farming enterprise.  He pointed out that there was existing accommodation which was available to meet the needs of the holding.  He also drew attention to the fact that the proposal would conflict with the Council's policies for mobile homes in the countryside and would harm the rural character of the area which was identified as a Great Landscape Value in the Hereford and Worcester County Structure Plan.


Having considered all the facts about the application, the Sub-Committee decided that the applicants had put forward adequate grounds for approval and that it would be reasonable for permission to be granted with adequate conditions which would tie the mobile home to the holding with an agricultural occupancy.  The Development Control Manager advised that because of the planning policy implications involved he would need to refer the matter to the Head of Planning Services and explore the .issues raised about conditions and permanence in relation to those policies.



The Southern Area Planning Sub-Committee is minded to approve the application subject to the conditions set out below (and any further conditions felt to be necessary by the Head of Planning Services) provided that the Head of Planning Services does not refer the application to the Planning Committee.


            a) an agricultural occupancy tie to the holding


If the Head of Planning Services does not refer the application to the Planning Committee, officers named in the Scheme of Delegation to Officers be instructed to approve the application to such conditions referred to above.


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