Agenda item


To provide an update on emergency planning arrangements following on from the Committee’s Review of the response to the 2003 outbreak of Legionnaires disease.


The Committee received an update on emergency planning arrangements following on from the Committee’s Review of the response to the 2003 outbreak of Legionnaires disease in Hereford city in 2003.


A previous update had been given to the Committee in September 2005.  The Emergency Planning Manager presented his report on developments since that time.  He highlighted that the development of the West Mercia Local Resilience Forum (LRF) had considerably enhanced the sharing of information between the Category 1 Responders (the Council. Ambulance Service, Fire Service, Health Protection Agency, Primary Care Trust (PCT) and the Police).  Protocols had been agreed which more clearly defined the respective roles of agencies in managing an infectious disease outbreak.  This had resulted in increased resilience and he considered that arrangements for dealing with emergencies were now stronger than in 2003


He noted that whilst Legionnaires disease itself was not assessed as one of the highest risks in both national and local terms requiring a specific emergency response plan there was an annual assessment of risk was made by the local risk Group.


One issue which was outstanding was finalising a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Council and the Health Protection Agency (HPA) dealing with the protocols for dealing with infectious diseases.  This was currently in draft form and had not been progressed by the Agency because of national work on a new MoU taking account of changes to PCTs and Strategic Health Authorities.  Whilst the absence of the local MoU had not hindered the Council’s ability to work with the HPA he considered that it would be worthwhile to put it in place.


In the course of discussion the following principal points were made: 


·          Responding to a question, the Emergency Planning Manager said that although organisations and structures were constantly changing, the current plans and training should prevent this disruption being a hindrance.  The LRF was a useful mechanism for keeping agencies updated. 


·          It was suggested that the response to the legionnaires outbreak had been strengthened because of good local knowledge and working relationships.  The Emergency Planning Manager acknowledged this but added that the arrangements with the major agencies agreed by the LRF at regional level were replicated at a local Hereford level.  A local focus had been retained and there were local training events.


·          The Emergency Planning Manager agreed to look into the possibility of offering Members the opportunity to observe future emergency planning exercises. 


·          The Chief Executive (Acting) of the PCT was invited to comment and concurred with the Emergency Planning Manager that arrangements for collaboration between key organisations had been strengthened.


·          The Chief Executive of the Hospitals Trust was asked about the Hospital’s state of readiness taking into consideration the pressures an avian flu pandemic for example would generate.  He advised that as part of the Local Resilience Forum the hospital would be able to draw on assistance from across the Region.  He was mindful of the importance of keeping plans refreshed and the Hospital’s Major Incident Plan had recently been reviewed. 


·          A further question was asked about the arrangements for ensuring that lessons learned across the Country were shared.  The Emergency Planning Manager advised that the Regional Resilience Forums reported to the Cabinet Office and information was co-ordinated and Regions kept informed of developments and they in turn informed local agencies.


·          The Chief Executive (acting) of the PCT commented on the requirements on the PCT to declare any incidents, analyse them and take account of any lessons learned from them.




            That    (a)        the emergency planning update be noted;


                        (b)       an update on the preparation of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Council and the Health Protection Agency dealing with the protocols for tackling infectious diseases be made in six months time;




                        (c)            consideration be given to offering Members the opportunity to             observe future emergency planning exercises. 

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