Agenda item


To note performance to the end of November 2006 against the Annual Operating Plan 2006-07, together with performance against revenue and capital budgets and corporate risks, and remedial action to address areas of under-performance.  The report also covers the progress being made against the Council’s Overall Improvement Programme, which includes the Joint Area Review (JAR) Action Plan, the Adult Social Care Improvement Plan and the Herefordshire Connects programme.


The Committee considered the Integrated Performance Report setting out performance to the end of November 2006 against the Annual Operating Plan 2006-07, together with performance against revenue and capital budgets and corporate risks, and remedial action to address areas of under-performance.


The report also covered the progress being made against the Council’s Overall Improvement Programme.


The Corporate Policy and Research Manager drew attention to the section setting out highlights of the report and commented on performance against a number of the indicators referred to in that section.  He also informed the Committee of the intention to report on a number of perception indicators (such as fear of crime), at the end of the year rather than in-year.  This was because results on these indicators were only available once a year and there was a better way of assessing progress in-year; namely by monitoring and reporting progress in achieving the things, such as the actual levels of crime, likely to improve the public’s perception of quality of life and services to which these indicators related. 


He also drew attention to the intention to close down the Overall Improvement Plan and associated Board and to take all designated major transformation and improvement programmes forward under the umbrella of the Transformation Board.


The Head of Financial Services reported on the position on the revenue and capital budgets as set out in appendices C and D to the report.


In the ensuing discussion the following principal comments were made:


·          The pressure on meeting assessment targets of children in need was noted.  Attention was drawn to the success already achieved in recruiting and retaining qualified social workers, and the action in hand to appoint more.  This was welcomed.


·          The success in reducing numbers of households in bed and breakfast accommodation was welcomed, as was action being taken through preventative action to seek to prevent homelessness occurring.  It was emphasised, however, that it was important to ensure that families moved from bed and breakfast accommodation secured appropriate alternative accommodation. 


·          A question was asked about provision in the capital programme for the Rotherwas Relief Road, noting that the Committee had asked to be kept updated.  In reply it was advised that this would be reflected in the next monitoring report on the capital programme.


RESOLVED:  That the report be noted.

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