Agenda item

DCCE2006/2211/F - Land off Andrews Close, Hereford, HR1 2JX [Agenda Item 5]

For:            Herefordshire Housing Association, per Mr D.D. Davis, 2 St. Oswald's Road, Worcester, WR1 1HZ


Ward: Central


5 no. 1 bedroom supported living units.


The Senior Planning Officer reported the receipt of an additional letter of objection.  He also reported an additional letter of support from the applicant’s agent, confirming that a pedestrian access to Union Walk could be provided as part of the scheme.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, Mr. Boucher spoke against the application and Mr. Shirley spoke in support of the application.


In response to comments about the loss of public open space, the Senior Planning Officer advised that the proposed planning obligation agreement would require the developer to contribute £2,500 towards the ‘Portfields’ play area / open space.


Councillor Mrs. P.A. Andrews reported the comments of Councillor D.J. Fleet, the Local Ward Member.  Whilst the need for supported living units was acknowledged, concerns were expressed about the narrowness of the access, the potential loss of pathway and the impact of construction traffic.  Attention was drawn to the fact that the Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan (Revised Deposit Draft) [UDP] had designated the application site as a protected public space.  Councillor Mrs. Andrews said that, although the demand for such development was recognised, the access was unacceptable and the application should be refused.


A number of Members commented on the recreational and amenity value of public open spaces and the need to safeguard them, particularly given the density of modern housing developments.  It was not considered that the proposed contribution towards alternative provision was sufficient to offset the loss of the space.  Therefore, it was felt that the application should be refused as it would be contrary to Policy RST4 (Safeguarding existing recreational open space) of the UDP.  Further concerns were also expressed about the access arrangements.




That   (i)   The Central Area Planning Sub-Committee is minded to refuse the application subject to the reasons for refusal set out below (and any further reasons for refusal felt to be necessary by the Head of Planning Services) provided that the Head of Planning Services does not refer the applications to the Planning Committee:


1. The proposed development will result in the loss, without appropriate alternative provision, of an area of protected open space.  The proposal is therefore contrary to PPG17: Planning for Open Space, Sport and Recreation and Herefordshire Unitary Development (Revised Deposit Draft) Policies DR2, H13 and RST4.


2. The access road (Andrews Close) and the associated driveway that provide access to the site are considered unsuitable to serve the proposed residential development and would lead to unacceptable parking and manoeuvring on the highway, to the detriment of highway and pedestrian safety.  The proposal is therefore contrary to PPG13: Transport and Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan (Revised Deposit Draft) Policies S2, DR1 and T8.


(ii)  If the Head of Planning Services does not refer the application to the Planning Committee, Officers named in the Scheme of Delegation to Officers be instructed to refuse the application, subject to such reasons for refusal referred to above.


[Note: Following the vote on this application, the Development Control Manager advised that, although the resolution was contrary to the Officer’s recommendation, he was not minded to refer the matter to the Head of Planning Services given the grounds for refusal put forward by the Sub-Committee.  Members commented on the need to contribute to the UDP policy in order to safeguard and make best use of such open spaces.]

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