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Marches Joint Committee

This page lists the meetings for Marches Joint Committee.

Information about Marches Joint Committee

The key functions of the Marches Enterprise Partnership Joint Committee are:


            (a)       Working with the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Board to ensure a smooth transfer of LEP responsibilities and existing programmes and the allocation of remaining revenue and capital held by the LEP relating to activity across the Marches LEP area in line with Government guidance.


(b)        Following the wind up of the LEP agree the allocation of revenue and capital spend previously under the control of the LEP Board and relating to the delivery of the LEP Economic Plan and individual councils economic plans/strategies.


(c)        Ongoing oversight, monitoring and review of ongoing grants, assets, programmes, or initiatives until such time as they cease or are transferred.


(f)         Keep under review, influence, and align government and public investment in order to boost economic growth across the geography of the three councils.


(g)        Provide an annual report on the activities of the Joint Committee to the respective three partner councils.


(h)        Agree lead or accountable body status for any particular issue as necessary.


(i)         Keep under review and amend the Terms of Reference of the Joint Committee as appropriate and with the agreement of all 3 Local Authorities