Agenda and minutes
Venue: online
Contact: Tim Brown, Governance Services
Link: Watch the meeting on the Herefordshire Council youtube channel
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence To receive apologies for absence.
Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Matthews. |
Named substitutes To receive details of members nominated to attend the meeting in place of a member of the committee. Minutes: None. |
Declarations of interest To receive declarations of interests in respect of Schedule 1, Schedule 2 or Other Interests from members of the committee in respect of items on the agenda. Minutes: None. |
To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 15 January 2021. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 15 January 2021 be approved. |
Questions from members of the public PDF 208 KB To receive any written questions from members of the public. Minutes: A copy of the questions from members of the public and the answers together with the supplementary questions and answers is attached at appendix 1 to these minutes. |
QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL To receive any written questions from members of the council. Minutes: None. |
Task and Finish Group Report - Climate Emergency Review PDF 232 KB To consider the Task and Finish Group's report on Climate & Ecological Emergency review. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the Task and Finish Group’s report on the Climate and Ecological Emergency.
The Sustainability and Climate Change Manager introduced the report. Councillor Wilding, chairperson of the Task and Finish Group, then commented followed by other members of the Group.
The Committee discussed the report. A number of amendments were proposed to the wording of some of the recommendations in the report along with some additional recommendations. The changes agreed are summarised in appendix 2 to these minutes. The complete revised recommendations are set out at appendix 3 to these minutes.
(The meeting adjourned between 16.35-16.45 pm.)
The Chairperson thanked the Task and Finish Group for their work.
RESOLVED: That the findings of the report, and recommendations as amended and set out at appendix 3 to these minutes, be submitted to the executive. |
To review the committee’s work programme. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered its work programme.
It was noted that the work programme needed to be updated to incorporate matters discussed by the Committee on 15 January: in its review of Covid measures the Committee consider how grants have been used and seek comparative information from other authorities; monitoring of savings plans included in the 2021/22 budget; and provision for briefings to be provided to the Committee on progress in achieving the proposed savings in the Economy and Place Directorate and their impact and the Committee be informed of other savings proposals that have been identified with a view to ensuring appropriate contingency plans are in place.
In relation to the proposed consideration of contract management/performance management it was requested that consideration be given to a spotlight review.
RESOLVED: That the draft work programme as set out at appendix 1 to the report be approved as amended. |
Date of next meeting The next scheduled meeting is on 22 March 2021 (10.15 am) Minutes: Monday 22 March 2021 (10.15 am) |
Appendix 2 - Amendments and Additional Recommendations - Task and Finish Group Report PDF 195 KB |
Appendix 3 - Consolidated recommendations on Task and Finish Group report PDF 150 KB |