Contact: Matthew Evans, Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
10:00 A.M. - 232106 - STABLES, BOWLERS LANE, LITTLE BIRCH, HEREFORD, HR2 8BB PDF 3 MB Proposed erection of one dwelling, garage and associated works.
232106 – Stables Bowlers Lane
The applicant has advised that there is onsite parking. As such please park at the site off Bowlers Lane. If additional parking is required then please use the church parking opposite. Postcode for St Marys Church is HR2 8BB
Proposed demolition of existing buildings on site and erection of Retirement Living apartments with associated access, car parking, landscaping, ancillary facilities, and associated works.
223248- Greenacres
MEMBERS WILL REQUIRE STURDY BOOTS. The site is overgrown and not easily accessible. Please meet opposite the Petrol Filling Station / Garage on The Homend next to the dwelling called The Knapp. There is a footpath between The Knapp and the site.
Parking for the site will be on road in the vicinity or at Tescos. Postcode for Tesco is: HR8 1DQ
Outline planning application for the erection of up to 120 dwellings with public open space, landscaping and sustainable drainage system (SuDS) and vehicular access point from theA44. All matters reserved except for means of access.
190111 – Flagonners Green
MEMBERS WILL NEED HI VIZ. please bring this with you if you have it. Officers will bring spare.
Members should park on-street on Winslow Road off the A44 – as demarked by the red star. Don’t block driveways serving properties Please meet at the red star (Winslow road)
Postcode for this part of Winslow Road is HR7 4TX