Contact: Matthew Evans, Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Reserved matters following outline approval 191541 (Outline for three or four bedroom dwelling on a plot of land currently part of Hillcrest's garden). |
11:00 a.m. - 181943 - LAND TO THE NORTH OF SCHOOL ROAD (U66207), TARRINGTON, HEREFORDSHIRE PDF 3 MB Outline planning application for up to 6 dwellings. All matters reserved apart from access. |
11:30 a.m. - 220783 - LITTLE BUSH PITCH, BUSH PITCH, LEDBURY, HEREFORDSHIRE, HR8 2PX PDF 3 MB Proposed change of use of land and laundry/wash room to a bungalow (Retrospective) and for a new day/laundry room for existing traveller site. |