Venue: Committee Room 1, Shire Hall, St Peter's Square, Hereford HR1 2HX
Contact: David Penrose, Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive apologies for absence. |
NAMED SUBSTITUTES (if any) To receive details any details of Members nominated to attend the meeting in place of a Member of the Committee. |
To approve and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 21 November 2014. |
RESPONSE TO WRITTEN PUBLIC QUESTIONS (if any) To answer any pre-received written questions from members of the public. |
PROGRESS REPORT ON THE NEW AGREED SYLLABUS FOR RE Following formal agreement of the new Herefordshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education by the Agreed Syllabus Conference, SACRE will receive an update on progress in producing the Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education for introduction into schools in September 2015. |
2015/16 SACRE BUDGET UPDATE PDF 89 KB To consider any implications arising from any changes to the 2015/16 SACRE budget. |
RELIGIOUS STUDIES EXAMINATION RESULTS 2014 PDF 86 KB To receive a report on the Religious Studies A level exam results for the County. |
UPDATE ON ANY NEW INITIATIVES OR NEWS IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION To report any news or further changes to the government’s education strategy that may affect the teaching of religious education in Herefordshire schools. |
DATE OF FUTURE MEETINGS To note that dates for SACRE meetings have been scheduled for 2.00pm at the Shire Hall, Hereford on Friday 20 November 2015 and Friday 18 March 2016. |