Agenda and minutes
Venue: Three Counties Hotel, Belmont Road, Belmont, Hereford, HR2 7BP
Contact: Matthew Evans, Democratic Services
Link: watch the recording of this meeting on the Herefordshire Council YouTube Channel
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Dave Boulter, John Hardwick, Graham Jones and Jim Kenyon. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive any declarations of interest by Members in respect of items on the Agenda. Minutes: Councillor Kevin Tillett declared an other interest in the fireworks and animal welfare motion at agenda item no 10; as a member of the RSPCA and a trustee of the Herefordshire branch of the RSPCA.
Councillor Elissa Swinglehurst declared an other interest in the water protection zone for River Wye system motion at agenda item no. 10; as the chair of the nutrient management board.
There was one further declaration of interest at the meeting, please see minutes 31 below. |
To approve and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 8 October 2021. Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 8 October 2020 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
CHAIRMAN AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S ANNOUNCEMENTS To receive the Chairman and Chief Executive’s announcements. Additional documents:
Minutes: Council noted the Chairman’s and Chief Executive’s announcements as printed in the agenda papers. |
QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC To receive questions from members of the public. Additional documents: Minutes: A copy of the public questions and written answers, together with supplementary questions asked at the meeting and their answers, is attached to the Minutes at Appendix 1. |
QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL To receive any written questions from members of the Council. Additional documents: Minutes: A copy of the Member questions and written answers, together with supplementary questions asked at the meeting and their answers, is attached to the Minutes at Appendix 2. |
REVIEW OF THE STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT (SCI) To approve the adoption of the Herefordshire Council’s revised statement of community involvement. Additional documents: Minutes: Council considered a report by the cabinet member finance, corporate services and planning to approve the adoption of Herefordshire Council’s revised statement of community involvement (SCI). The cabinet member finance, corporate services and planning introduced the report and proposed the recommendation in the report. She outlined a proposal that scrutiny undertake a review of public engagement in respect of the policy update associated with the SCI and whether any improvements to consultation with the local community could be utilised more widely across the council for other consultation exercises.
The cabinet member infrastructure and transport seconded the recommendation in the report.
Council debated the report and the following action was raised during the debate:
· Further scrutiny of the SCI would be considered during work programming of the General Scrutiny Committee.
The recommendation in the report was put to the vote and was carried.
(a) The revised Herefordshire Council Statement of Community Involvement (at appendix 1), be approved.
RETENDER OF EXTERNAL AUDIT CONTRACTS To approve the retender of the external audit contract as recommended by the audit and governance committee at their meeting held on 24 November 2021.
Minutes: Council considered a report by the chairperson of the audit and governance committee to approve the retender of the external audit contract as recommended to Council by the audit and governance committee. The chairperson of the audit and governance committee introduced the report and proposed the recommendations in the report.
The vice chairperson of the audit and governance committee seconded the recommendations in the report.
Council debated the report and the following action was raised:
· A written note would be provided to all members concerning the role and purpose of the external audit function.
The recommendations were put to the vote and were carried unanimously.
a) Council approves the preferred method for re-procuring external audit services; and b) Elects to join the Public Sector Audit Appointments body. |
To receive a report from the leader on the activities of the executive (cabinet) since the meeting of Council on 8 October 2021.
Additional documents: Minutes: Council received and noted the Leader’s Report which provided an update on the work of the cabinet since the previous ordinary meeting of Council in October 2021. The Leader presented his report to Council.
Council questioned the Leader and the following actions were raised:
· To produce a letter to all head teachers from the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive to thank them for the work they have undertaken during the pandemic. · To discuss with the Chair and Vice Chair of Children’s Scrutiny the process in place for the conduct of exit interviews with social workers. · To investigate if the new household grant can be awarded retrospectively to households no longer covered by the Gigaclear programme. · To include detail of the planning requirements for the installation of telegraph poles (to support fibre broadband infrastructure) in the next version of the Leader’s Newsletter. · To raise a query of the planning department if notification had been received of the intention to erect telegraph poles in Ross-on-Wye. · To provide a written response to the question as to whether a report would be provided of the financial implications of decapitalisation as a consequence of the cancellation of the West Bypass scheme.
NOTICES OF MOTION UNDER STANDING ORDERS To consider Notices of Motion. Minutes: Motion – Water Protection Zone for River Wye System
Councillor Louis Stark proposed the motion.
Councillor Toni Fagan seconded the motion.
Council debated the motion. In summary there was significant concern expressed for the risk posed to the river Wye system from pollutants and support for the engagement and consultation proposed in the motion to press for a water protection zone of the river Wye system.
An alteration to the motion was proposed to amend the term re-engage to press in the recommendation, as follows: So this Council urges the executive to press both the EA and NRW. The alteration was accepted by the proposer and seconder of the motion.
The motion, subject to the alteration above, was put to the vote and carried.
Our rivers are under attack: - 45000 fish dead from a pollution incident in the River Llynfi – a Wye tributary – and NRW unable to bring a prosecution against those responsible; - Raw sewage continues to pour in to our rivers unchecked with the Government failing to provide strong and consistent leadership on it; - Intense agricultural practices continue to expand with the impact of excessive phosphates and nitrates leaching through the soil in to our rivers; - The EA remains thinly spread and unable to cope with the challenge it faces here;
What should the Council do: - Put polluters on notice that we are serious about enabling effective action to be taken against their practices; - Build on our previous Council motion to investigate bathing status for our rivers – a good start but not a complete answer; - Push for a comprehensive regulatory framework for the medium term that would envelop our river systems in a protective cloak and give the EA and NRW real teeth to enforce it;
So this Council urges the executive to press both the EA and NRW, consulting Powys and Monmouthshire CCs and other interested parties as necessary, to press for nothing less than a Water Protection Zone (WPZ*) for the whole of the River Wye system.
This should include pushing both Agencies for work to start asap on detailed modelling to demonstrate the need for a WPZ, in order to put a business case to DEFRA; Also for funding for this work to go ahead; And for the Executive to provide regular reports to Council on progress.
Motion – Fireworks and Animal Welfare
Councillor William Wilding moved the motion.
Councillor John Harrington seconded motion.
An alteration to the motion was proposed to replace all mentions of silent fireworks to low noise fireworks in the motion. The alteration was agreed by the proposer and seconder of the motion.
Councillor Peter Jinman declared an other interest in the fireworks and animal welfare motion at agenda item no 10; as a member of the British Veterinary Association and a practicing vet.
Council debated the motion and there was division in the membership of Council. Support for the motion was expressed to limit the harmful impacts of fireworks ... view the full minutes text for item 31. |