Agenda and minutes
- Attendance details
- Agenda frontsheet
PDF 246 KB
- Agenda reports pack
- SUPPLEMENT - Budget Council Meeting Procedure 2022
PDF 245 KB
- SUPPLEMENT: agenda item no. 9 - Budget Setting 2022/23 - additional recommendation
PDF 122 KB
- SUPPLEMENT: Agenda item no. 9 - 2022-23 Budget Setting - proposed amendments
PDF 329 KB
- Supplement: Section 25 Additional Statement - budget amendments
PDF 125 KB
- Printed minutes
PDF 331 KB
Venue: Three Counties Hotel, Belmont Road, Belmont, Hereford, HR2 7BP
Contact: Matthew Evans, Democratic Services
Link: watch the recording of this meeting on the Herefordshire Council YouTube Channel
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: There was an adjournment at 10:03 a.m.; the meeting reconvened at 10:15 a.m.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Polly Andrews, Graham Andrews and Graham Jones. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive any declarations of interest by Members in respect of items on the Agenda. Minutes: Councillor Roger Phillips declared an other interest in agenda item no. 10, Pay Policy Statement, as the vice chairman of the National Joint Council (NJC) – local government, Chief Executives and Chief Officers.
There was one further declaration of interest at the meeting, please see paragraph 38 below. |
To approve and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 28 January 2022. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 28 January 2022 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
CHAIRMAN AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S ANNOUNCEMENTS To receive the Chairman and Chief Executive’s announcements. Additional documents: Minutes: Council noted the Chairman and Chief Executive’s announcements as printed in the agenda papers. |
2022/23 COUNCIL TAX REDUCTION SCHEME To approve the Council Tax reducation scheme for 2022/23. Additional documents: Minutes: Council considered a report by the Leader to agree the council tax reduction scheme for 2022/23.
The cabinet member finance, corporate services and planning proposed the council tax reduction scheme for 2022/23 and introduced the report.
The Leader seconded the council tax reduction scheme for 2022/23 for approval.
Council debated the report and the following actions were raised during the debate:
· To provide a written response with confirmation of the number of claimants of the CTR scheme in the two years preceding the Covid pandemic. · To provide a written response with details of the cost of the consultation undertaken on the CTR scheme.
A named vote was held to agree the council tax reduction scheme set out in the report. The scheme was carried unanimously.
FOR (49): Councillors Paul Andrews, Bartlett, Bartrum, Bolderson, Boulter, Bowen, Bowes, Chowns, Crockett, Davies, Durkin, Fagan, Foxton, Gandy, Guthrie, Hardwick, Harrington, Harvey, Hewitt, Hey, Hitchiner, Howells, I’Anson, James, Jinman, Johnson, Mike Jones, Kenyon, Lester, Marsh, Matthews, Millmore, Milln, Norman, Phillips, Price, Probert, Rone, Shaw, Stark, Stone, Summers, Swinglehurst, Symonds, Tillett, Toynbee, Tyler, Watson and Wilding.
Against (0)
Abstentions (0)
(a) The council tax reduction scheme for 2022/23, with the same parameters as the existing scheme, be approved.
2022/23 CAPITAL INVESTMENT BUDGET AND CAPITAL STRATEGY UPDATE To approve the capital investment budget and capital strategy for 2022/23 onwards.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Council considered a report by the Leader to approve the 2022/23 capital investment budget and capital strategy update.
The cabinet member finance, corporate services and planning moved the report and proposed the recommendations.
The Leader seconded the report and the recommendations.
Council debated the report and the following actions were raised:
· To provide a written response to detail the split in capital expenditure across Hereford, the market towns and rural areas. · To provide a written response to confirm if the backlog of highway maintenance issues includes work required to the public rights of way network. · To provide a written response to clarify the relationship between the £0.416 increase to the Disabled Facilities Grant and the £6.0m estimated annual (DFG) for the next three years. To include confirmation as to whether underspent DFG budget was carried forward to the next financial year. · To provide a written response with detail of specific projects or schemes to benefit from expenditure through the market towns economic investment plan.
The 2022/23 capital investment budget and capital strategy update was put to the recorded vote and carried unanimously.
FOR (49): Councillors Paul Andrews, Bartlett, Bartrum, Bolderson, Boulter, Bowen, Bowes, Chowns, Crockett, Davies, Durkin, Fagan, Foxton, Gandy, Guthrie, Hardwick, Harrington, Harvey, Hewitt, Hey, Hitchiner, Howells, I’Anson, James, Jinman, Johnson, Mike Jones, Kenyon, Lester, Marsh, Matthews, Millmore, Milln, Norman, Phillips, Price, Probert, Rone, Shaw, Stark, Stone, Summers, Swinglehurst, Symonds, Tillett, Toynbee, Tyler, Watson and Wilding.
Against (0)
Abstentions (0)
RESOLVED: That Council:
a) approve the proposed capital programme from 2022/23 attached at appendix C; and b) approve the capital strategy at appendix D.
There was an adjournment at 11:09 a.m.; the meeting reconvened at 11:22 a.m.
2022/23 BUDGET SETTING To approve the 2022/23 budget and associated medium term financial strategy and treasury management strategy. Additional documents:
Minutes: Council considered a report from the Leader to set the 2022/23 budget. Council noted the following supplements published following the despatch of the agenda:
· Budget Council meeting procedure 2022 published on 4 February; · Addition of recommendation [ j) the new homes bonus grant funding of £1.33m is allocated to the managing climate change reserve. ] to the 2022/23 Budget Setting report published on 11 February; · Budget amendments 2022/23 published on 11 February; and · Additional S25 opinion of the S151 officer following the publication of budget amendments published on 11 February.
The cabinet member finance, corporate services and planning introduced the report and moved the budget.
The Leader seconded the report and the budget.
Councillor John Harrington, as Group Leader of the Independents for Herefordshire Group spoke on the budget.
Councillor Jonathan Lester, as Group Leader of the Conservative Group spoke on the budget.
Councillor Terry James, as Group Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group spoke on the budget.
Councillor Ellie Chowns, as Group Leader of The Green Party Group spoke on the budget.
Councillor Bob Matthews, as Group Leader of the True Independents Group spoke on the budget.
Council debated the budget. During the course of the debate Councillor Roger Phillips declaredan other interest in agenda item no. 9 – 2022/23 Budget Setting - as vice chairman of the Rural Services Network.
Amendment 1 – Proposed by Councillor John Harrington and seconded by Councillor Paul Andrews
To add recommendation below:
k) to use collection of Business Rates in 2022/23 to offset inflation increase to car park charges identified in appendix B S8
Councillor Harrington proposed the amendment.
Council debated the amendment.
Councillor Andrews seconded the amendment.
The cabinet member finance, corporate services and planning, as the mover of the original motion, spoke before the vote on the amendment.
The amendment was put to the recorded vote and was carried by a simple majority.
FOR (48): Councillors Paul Andrews, Bartlett, Bartrum, Bolderson, Boulter, Bowen, Bowes, Chowns, Crockett, Davies, Durkin, Fagan, Foxton, Gandy, Guthrie, Hardwick, Harrington, Harvey, Hewitt, Hey, Hitchiner, Howells, I’Anson, James, Jinman, Johnson, Mike Jones, Kenyon, Lester, Marsh, Matthews, Millmore, Milln, Norman, Phillips, Price, Probert, Rone, Shaw, Stark, Stone, Summers, Swinglehurst, Symonds, Tillett, Toynbee, Tyler and Watson.
AGAINST (1): Councillor Wilding.
Abstentions (0)
RESOLVED: That the following recommendation is added to the budget:
k) to use collection of Business Rates in 2022/23 to offset inflation increase to car park charges identified in appendix B S8
Amendment 2 – Proposed by Councillor Nigel Shaw and seconded by Councillor Jonathan Lester
To change recommendations b and c to 0% and resultant change to band D charge in recommendation c.
Councillor Shaw proposed the amendment.
Council debated the amendment.
Councillor Lester seconded the amendment.
The cabinet member finance, corporate services and planning, as the mover of the original motion, spoke before the vote on the amendment.
The amendment was put to the recorded vote and was lost by a simple majority.
FOR (22): Councillors Bartrum, Bolderson ... view the full minutes text for item 38. |
PAY POLICY STATEMENT To approve the pay policy statement 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: Council considered a report by the chairperson of the employment panel to approve the pay policy statement for 2022.
The report and recommendation was moved by the Leader (as chairperson of the employment panel) and seconded by the cabinet member for environment and economy (as vice-chairperson of the employment panel).
The pay policy statement was put to the vote and approved by a simple majority.
(a) the pay policy statement at appendix A is approved for publication.