Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Council Chamber, Brockington, 35 Hafod Road, Hereford

Contact: Ricky Clarke, Members' Services, Tel: 01432 261885 Fax: 01432 260286  e-mail:

No. Item



To receive apologies for absence.


Apologies were received from Councillor T.W. Hunt.



To receive any declarations of interest by Members in respect of items on the Agenda.


The following declarations of interest were made:





Councillors Mrs. A.E. Gray and G. Lucas

Item 13 – DCSE2005/1084/F – Erection of three storey sheltered accommodation at:


Alton Court Brewery, Station Street, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, HR9 7AG

Both Members declared a Prejudicial Interest and left the meeting for the duration of the item.

Councillors H. Bramer, Mrs. J.A. Hyde and G. Lucas

Item 17 – DCSE2005/0949/F & DCSE2005/0951/C – Demolition of existing 1970’s hall and living accommodation. Construction of new block of 8 no. flats at:


St. Josephs Convent, Walford Road, Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, HR9 5PQ

All Members declared a Prejudicial Interest and left the meeting for the duration of the item.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 89 KB

To approve and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 13th April, 2005.


RESOLVED:   That the Minutes of the meeting held on 13th April, 2005 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.



To note the contents of the attached report of the Head of Planning Services in respect of the appeals received or determined for the southern area of Herefordshire.


The Sub-Committee noted the Council’s current position in respect of planning appeals for the southern area of Herefordshire.



Site for the erection of a single dwelling.


Site for the erection of a single dwelling.


The Principal Planning Officer advised Members that the application had been deferred on 16th March, 2005 pending further discussions with regard to visibility splays and the position of the dwelling. He said that the Highways Department had been consulted regarding the visibility splays and that they were happy to support the application.




That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


1.      A02 (Time limit for submission of reserved matters (outline permission)


          Reason:  Required to be imposed by Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


2.      A03 (Time limit for commencement (outline permission)


          Reason:  Required to be imposed by Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


3.      A04 (Approval of reserved matters)


         Reason:  To enable the local planning authority to exercise proper control over these aspects of the development.


4.      A05 (Plans and particulars of reserved matters)


          Reason:  Required to be imposed by Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


5.      The foul drainage from the proposed development shall be discharged to a treatment plant and soakaway system which meets the requirements of British Standard BS6297: 1983, and which is provided in accordance with the details submitted dated 21st January, 2005 (including letter and plan entitled 'Sketch -1'), unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.  There shall be no connection with any watercourse or land drainage system and no part of the soakaway system located within 10 metres of any ditch or watercourse, nor within 50 metres of any water abstraction or well.


Reason:  To prevent pollution of the water environment.


6.      F48 (Details of slab levels)


         Reason: In order to define the permission and ensure that the development is of a scale and height appropriate to the site.


7.      G09 (Retention of trees/hedgerows)


         Reason:  To safeguard the amenity of the area.


8.      H01 (Single access – not footway)


         Reason:  In the interests of highway safety.


9.      H03 (Visibility splays) (2m x 25m – uphill and 15m –downhill)


         Reason:  In the interests of highway safety.


10.    H05 (Access gates)


         Reason:  In the interests of highway safety.


11.    H06 (Vehicular access construction)


         Reason:  In the interests of highway safety.


12.    H10 (Parking – single house)


         Reason:  In the interests of highway safety and to ensure the free flow of traffic using the adjoining highway.


13.    H12 (Parking and turning – single house)


         Reason:  In the interests of highway safety and to ensure the free flow of traffic using the adjoining highway.




1.      HN01 - Mud on highway


2.      HN04 - Private apparatus within highway


3.      HN05 - Works within the highway


4.      N15 - Reason(s) for the Grant of Planning Permission


DCSW2005/0924/F - THE WOODLANDS, ORCOP, HEREFORDSHIRE, HR2 8SE (Agenda Item 6) pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Retrospective application for engineering operations to create a 60m x 20m riding arena.


Retrospective application for engineering operations to create a 60m x 20m riding arena.


Councillor G.W. Davis, the Local Ward Member, noted that there were no objections from either Llanwarne Parish Council or Orcop Parish Council and was therefore happy to support the application.




That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


1.      G04 (Landscaping scheme (general) ) (within one month)


         Reason: In order to protect the visual amenities of the area.


2.      G05 (Implementation of landscaping scheme (general) ) (before the end of 2005)


         Reason:  In order to protect the visual amenities of the area.


3.      G10 (Retention of trees)


         Reason: In order to preserve the character and amenities of the area.


4.      There shall be no external lighting/illumination of the riding arena hereby permitted.


         Reason:  In order to preserve the character and amenities of the area.


5.      Within one month of the date of this planning permission details for the construction of outfall structures around the outlets of the drainage pipes shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.  The approved scheme shall be implemented within one month of the date of its approval.


         Reason:  In order to ensure that satisfactory drainage arrangements are provided.




1.      N15 – Reason(s) for the Grant of Planning Permission.



Side and rear two storey extensions. Change of use from rear paddock to garden. Proposed garage.


Side and rear two storey extensions. Change of use from rear paddock to garden. Proposed garage.


The Senior Planning Officer reported the receipt of a further letter of objection from Colonel Robinson MBE.


In accordance with the criteria for Public Speaking, Mr. Edwards, a local resident, spoke in objection to the application.


Councillor G.W. Davis, the Local Ward Member, noted that the Parish Council had not objected to the application.


In response to a question, the Senior Planning Officer advised members that condition 7 removed any permitted development rights in order to restrict any future development on the site.




That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


1.      A01 (Time limit for commencement (full permission))


         Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


2.      A09 (Amended plans)


         Reason: To ensure the development is carried out in accordance with the amended plans.


3.      B01 (Samples of external materials)


         Reason: To ensure that the materials harmonise with the surroundings.


4       G01 (Details of boundary treatments)


         Reason: In the interests of visual amenity and to ensure dwellings have satisfactory privacy.


5.      E08 (Domestic use only of garage)


         Reason: To ensure that the garage is used only for the purposes ancillary to the dwelling.


6.      E09 (No conversion of garage to habitable accommodation)


         Reason: To ensure adequate off street parking arrangements remain available at all times.


7.      E16 (Removal of permitted development rights)


         Reason: To safeguard the character and amenities of the locality.




1.      The applicants' attention is drawn to the need to ensure that the lane is kept clear at all times during the process of development.


2.      N15 - Reason(s) for the Grant of Planning Permission



New house.


New house.




That subject to the receipt of revised plans relating to the rear of the dwelling, the officers named in the Scheme of Delegation to Officers be authorised to issue planning permission subject to the following conditions and any conditions considered necessary by officers:


1.      A01 (Time limit for commencement (full permission))


         Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


2.      A07 (Development in accordance with approved plans)


         Reason: To ensure adherence to the approved plans in the interests of a satisfactory form of development.


3.      B01 (Samples of external materials)


         Reason: To ensure that the materials harmonise with the surroundings.


4.      Details of materials and finishes to all new joinery, window heads, cills, eaves and verges, dormer windows and rooflights shall be the subject of the prior written approval of the local planning authority before any development commences on site.


         Reason:  In order to define the terms to which the application relates.


5.      H03 (Visibility splays)


         Reason: In the interests of highway safety.


6.      H05 (Access gates)


         Reason: In the interests of highway safety.


7.      H12 (Parking and turning - single house)


         Reason: In the interests of highway safety and to ensure the free flow of traffic using the adjoining highway.


8.      H27 (Parking for site operatives)


         Reason: To prevent indiscriminate parking in the interests of highway safety.


9.      F41 (No burning of materials/substances during construction phase)


         Reason: To safeguard residential amenity and prevent pollution.


10.    D03 (Site observation - archaeology)


         Reason: To allow the potential archaeological interest of the site to be investigated and recorded.


11.    G04 (Landscaping scheme (general))


         Reason: In order to protect the visual amenities of the area.


12.    G05 (Implementation of landscaping scheme (general))


         Reason:  In order to protect the visual amenities of the area.




1.      ND03 - Contact Address


2.      HN01 - Mud on highway


3.      HN05 - Works within the highway


4.      HN10 - No drainage to discharge to highway


5.      N15 - Reason(s) for the Grant of Planning Permission


DCSW2005/0556/F - THE HAVEN, HARDWICKE, HAY-ON-WYE, HEREFORD, HR3 5TA (Agenda Item 9) pdf icon PDF 77 KB

Amendment to Condition 4 of planning approval (03/1109380 – 30.07.03) to extend education use for not exceeding 4 non-resident students.


Amendment to Condition 4 of planning approval (03/1109380 – 30.07.03) to extend education use for not exceeding 4 non-resident students.


The Principal Planning Officer reported the receipt of a further letter from the Applicant’s Agent.


In accordance with the criteria for Public Speaking, Mr. Watts, the Applicant’s Agent, spoke in support of the application.


Councillor N.J.J. Davies, the Local Ward Member, noted the concerns raised by Clifford Parish Council. He also advised Members that a number of residents in his constituency had voiced concerns about the application and that he could not support it.


A number of Members noted the concerns expressed but felt that the application should be approved because of the benefit it would give to Children in Care within Herefordshire.




That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


1.      The premises shall be used only for the educational use of the children in care at 'The Haven' and for not exceeding four non-resident children in care and not for any other purposes, including any other purposes in Class C2 of the schedule of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987, or in any provision equivalent to that Class, in any statutory instrument revoking and re-enacting that Order.


         Reason:  In order to define the terms to which the application relates.


2.      At all times when children receiving residential care and education are on the premises a minimum of four care staff shall also be present.


         Reason:  In order to define the terms to which the application relates.




1.      N15 - Reason(s) for the Grant of Planning Permission


(Councillor N.J.J Davies abstained from voting on this item)


DCSE2005/0857/F - THE BOUNDS, MUCH MARCLE, LEDBURY, HEREFORDSHIRE, HR8 2NQ (Agenda Item 10) pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Alteration of building to increase height to accommodate new press machines.


Alteration of building to increase height to accommodate new press machines.


The Senior Planning Officer reported the receipt of comments from Much Marcle Parish Council who had no objections to the application.




That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


1.      A01 (Time limit for commencement (full permission) )


         Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


2.      A08 (Development in accordance with approved plans and materials )



Reason: To ensure adherence to the approved plans and to protect the general character and amenities of the area.




1.      N15 - Reason(s) for the Grant of Planning Permission


DCSE2005/0863/F - THE BOUNDS, MUCH MARCLE, LEDBURY, HEREFORDSHIRE, HR8 2NQ (Agenda Item 11) pdf icon PDF 75 KB

Siting of four silo tanks (retrospective application).


Siting of four silo tanks (retrospective application).


The Senior Planning Officer reported the receipt of comments from Much Marcle Parish Council who had no objections to the application.




That retrospective planning permission be granted.




1.      N15 - Reason(s) for the Grant of Planning Permission



Reinstate original vehicular access to Fairfields and close off existing access.


Reinstate original vehicular access to Fairfields and close off existing access.




That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


1.      A01 (Time limit for commencement (full permission))


         Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


2.      H01 (Single access - not footway)


         Reason: In the interests of highway safety.


3.      H03 (Visibility splays)


         Reason: In the interests of highway safety.


4.      H05 (Access gates)


         Reason: In the interests of highway safety.


5.      H06 (Vehicular access construction)


         Reason: In the interests of highway safety.


6.      H14 (Turning and parking: change of use - domestic)


         Reason: To minimise the likelihood of indiscriminate parking in the interests of highway safety.


7.      G04 (Landscaping scheme (general))


         Reason: In order to protect the visual amenities of the area.


8.      G05 (Implementation of landscaping scheme (general))


         Reason:  In order to protect the visual amenities of the area.




1.      N15 - Reason(s) for the Grant of Planning Permission



Erection of three storey sheltered accommodation.


Erection of three storey sheltered accommodation.


The Southern Team Leader reported the receipt of comments from the Environment Agency and Welsh Water who had no objections to the application subject to conditions. The Traffic Manager’s response had also been received with no objections raised.


Councillor C.J. Davis, one of the Local Ward Members, noted the concerns raised by the Parish Council and felt that she could not support the application due to car parking concerns.


In response to a question, the Southern Team Leader advised Members that although this application increased the number of flats from 42 to 43, the exterior dimensions of the building would remain the same. He also advised Members that the 14 car parking spaces provided met the current car parking standards.


A number of Members felt that the car parking was sufficient and that the applicants had a reputation for providing quality homes that were well managed and organised. They also felt that the increase from 42 to 43 flats was only a minor change to the original application and that the application should be approved.





That       1)      the County Secretary and Solicitor be authorised to complete a planning obligation under Section 106 of The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to deal with a contribution to the provision off-site of affordable housing in Ross-on-Wye and any additional matters and terms as she considers appropriate


               2)      upon completion of the aforementioned planning obligation and resolution of the details of the design and form the boundary wall that the Officers named in the Scheme of Delegation to Officers be authorised to issue planning permission subject to the following conditions and any other conditions considered appropriate:


1.         A01 (Time limit for commencement (full permission))


Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


2.         A07 (Development in accordance with approved plans)


Reason: To ensure adherence to the approved plans in the interests of a satisfactory form of development.


3.         B01 (Samples of external materials)


Reason: To ensure that the materials harmonise with the surroundings.


4.         C02 (Approval of details)


Reason: To safeguard the character and appearance of this building of [special] architectural or historical interest.


5.         D02 (Archaeological survey and recording)


Reason: A building of archaeological/historic/architectural significance will be affected by the proposed development.  To allow for recording of the building during or prior to development.  The brief will inform the scope of the recording action.


6.         G01 (Details of boundary treatments)


Reason: In the interests of visual amenity and to ensure dwellings have satisfactory privacy.


7.         G04 (Landscaping scheme (general))


            Reason: In order to protect the visual amenities of the area.


8.         G05 (Implementation of landscaping scheme (general))


            Reason:  In order to protect the visual amenities of the area.


9.         H03 (Visibility splays)


            Reason: In the interests of highway safety.


10.       H05 (Access gates)


            Reason: In the interests of highway safety.


11.       H13 (Access, turning area and parking)


Reason: In the interests of highway safety and to ensure  ...  view the full minutes text for item 183.



Site for the erection of five houses and one bungalow.


Site for the erection of five houses and one bungalow.


The Principal Planning Officer reported the receipt of comments from the Parish Council who objected to the application, and Welsh Water who had no objections subject to conditions. He also reported the receipt of 5 further letters of objection from local residents.


Councillor Mrs. J.A. Hyde, the Local Ward Member, noted the concerns raised by local residents. She felt that the access to the site could cause safety issues and could therefore not support the application.




Subject to no further objections raising additional material planning considerations by the end of the consultation period, the officers named in the Scheme of Delegation to Officers be authorised to issue planning permission subject to the following conditions and any additional conditions considered necessary by officers:


1.      A02 (Time limit for submission of reserved matters (outline permission))


         Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


2.      A03 (Time limit for commencement (outline permission))


Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


3.      A04 (Approval of reserved matters)


         Reason: To enable the local planning authority to exercise proper control over these aspects of the development.


4.      A05 (Plans and particulars of reserved matters)


         Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


5.      H03 (Visibility splays)


Reason: In the interests of highway safety.


6.      H06 (Vehicular access construction)


Reason: In the interests of highway safety.


7.      H13 (Access, turning area and parking)


Reason: In the interests of highway safety and to ensure the free flow of traffic using the adjoining highway.




1.         N15 - Reason(s) for the Grant of Planning Permission


DCSE2005/0571/F - WYEVERN, WALFORD ROAD, ROSS-ON-WYE, HEREFORDSHIRE, HR9 5PT (Agenda Item 15) pdf icon PDF 77 KB

Extension / alteration to provide additional flat.


Extension / alteration to provide additional flat.


In accordance with the criteria for Public Speaking, Mr. Pye, a local resident, spoke in objection to the application.


Councillor Mrs. A.E. Gray, one of the Local Ward Members, felt that there were already a number of issues regarding car parking on Chapel Road and that approving this application would increase the problem.


The Southern Team Leader advised Members that although there was no vehicular access from Chapel Road onto the site there was a pedestrian access. Members felt that the inclusion of any access onto Chapel road would increase the current traffic congestion problems.


A motion that the Sub-Committee was mindful to approve the application was lost.




That    (i)     The Southern Area Planning Sub-Committee is minded to refuse the application subject to the reasons for refusal set out below (and any further reason for refusal felt to be necessary by the Head of Planning Services) provided that the Head of Planning Services does not refer the application to the Planning Committee:


1.  Traffic Congestion


(ii)     If the Head of Planning Services does not refer the application to the Planning Committee, Officers named in the Scheme of Delegation to Officers be instructed to refuse the application subject to such reason for refusal referred to above.


[Note: The Southern Team Leader said that he would not refer the application to the Head of Planning Services.]


DCSE2005/1050/F and DCSE2005/1051/L - BILL MILLS, PONTSHILL, ROSS-ON-WYE, HEREFORDSHIRE, HR9 5TH (Agenda Item 16) pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Conversion of existing buildings to 10 dwellings.

Additional documents:


Conversion of existing buildings to 10 dwellings.


In accordance with the criteria for Public Speaking, Mr. Nash, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application.


Councillor H. Bramer, the Local Ward Member, felt that a site inspection would assist Members given the concerns about the potential impact of the proposal.




That a site inspection be held on the following grounds:


·         The character or appearance of the development itself is a fundamental consideration.

·         A judgement is required on visual impact.

·         The setting and surroundings are fundamental to the determination or to the conditions being considered.


DCSE2005/0949/F and DCSE2005/0951/C - ST JOSEPHS CONVENT, WALFORD ROAD, ROSS-ON-WYE, HEREFORDSHIRE, HR9 5PQ (Agenda Item 17) pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Demolition of existing 1970’s hall and living accommodation. Construction of new block of 8 no. flats.


Demolition of existing 1970’s hall and living accommodation. Construction of new block of 8 no. flats.


The Principal Planning Officer reported the receipt of two further letters from local residents.


In accordance with the criteria for Public Speaking, Mr. Mann, a local resident, spoke in objection to the application and Mr. Spreckley, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support.


Councillor Mrs. A.E. Gray, one of the Local Ward Members, felt that the new building was not sympathetic towards the existing Victorian stone villa and that approving the application would have a detrimental effect on the character and appearance of the Ross-on-Wye Conservation Area.


Councillor Mrs. C.J. Davis, the other Local Ward member, noted the concerns raised by local residents and felt that she could not support the application.


The Chairman felt that a site inspection would assist Members given the concerns about the potential impact of the proposal on neighbouring dwellings and the sensitivity of the area.




That a site inspection be held on the following grounds:


·         The character or appearance of the development itself is a fundamental consideration.

·         A judgement is required on visual impact.

·         The setting and surroundings are fundamental to the determination or to the conditions being considered.



Single storey extension incorporating facilities for a disabled person.


Single storey extension incorporating facilities for a disabled person.


In accordance with the criteria for Public Speaking, Miss Brace, the applicant, spoke in support of the application.




That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


1.      A01 (Time limit for commencement (full permission))


Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


2.      A06 (Development in accordance with approved plans)


         Reason: To ensure adherence to the approved plans in the interests of a satisfactory form of development.



1.       N15 - Reason(s) for the grant of planning permission.


DCSE2004/2701/F - LAND AT 28 OVERROSS FARM, ROSS-ON-WYE, HEREFORDSHIRE (Agenda Item 19) pdf icon PDF 69 KB

Erection of detached dwelling with ancillary works.


Erection of detached dwelling with ancillary works.




That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


1.      A01 (Time limit for commencement (full permission))


         Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


2.      A07 (Development in accordance with approved plans)


         Reason: To ensure adherence to the approved plans in the interests of a satisfactory form of development.


3.      W01 (Foul/surface water drainage)



Reason: To protect the integrity of the public sewerage system.


4.      W02 (No surface water to connect to public system)


Reason: To prevent hydraulic overloading of the public sewerage system, to protect the health and safety of existing residents and ensure no detriment to the environment.


5.      W03 (No drainage run-off to public system)


         Reason: To prevent hydraulic overload of the public sewerage system and pollution of the environment.


6.      Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved, details of any necessary or required re-routing of the public sewer with respect to this development, or as a direct consequence of it, shall first be submitted to and be subject to the prior written approval of the local planning authority.


Reason:  To protect the integrity of the public sewerage system and to avoid any damage thereto.




1.      N03 - Adjoining property rights


2.      N14 - Party Wall Act 1996


3.      HN05 - Works within the highway


4.      HN10 - No drainage to discharge to highway


5.      N16 - Welsh Water Informative


6.      Dwr Cymru Welsh Water advise that the proposed development site is crossed by a public sewer with the approximate position being marked on the attached Statutory Public Sewer Record.  Under the Water Industry Act 1991 Dwr Cymru Welsh Water has rights of access to its apparatus at all times.  No part of the building will be permitted within 3 metres either side of the centreline of the public sewer.  The developer is advised to contact the Network Development Consultants to discuss this matter prior to the commencement of any site work, the appropriate contact number being Tel: 01443 331155


7.       N15 - Reason(s) for the Grant of Planning Permission



Continuation of use as Equine Stud Farm.


Continuation of use as Equine Stud Farm.


Councillor J.W. Edwards, the Local Ward Member, proposed that a site inspection be held given some local residents’ concerns about the potential impact of the proposal.


In accordance with the criteria for Public Speaking, Mr. Morgan, representing Much Marcle Parish Council, and Mr. Bateson, a local resident, had registered to speak in objection to the application, but both decided to defer their opportunity to speak until this application was considered again after the site inspection had taken place.




That a site inspection be held on the following grounds:


·         The character or appearance of the development itself is a fundamental consideration.

·         A judgement is required on visual impact.



The next scheduled meeting is Wednesday 8th June, 2005.


It was noted that the date of the next scheduled meeting was 8th June, 2005.