Issue - meetings

Quarter 4 Performance Report

Meeting: 16/05/2024 - Cabinet (Item 125)

125 Quarter 4 Performance Report pdf icon PDF 239 KB

To review performance for Q4 2023/24 and to report the performance position across all Directorates for this period.


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The cabinet member for finance and corporate services provided an overview of the report and noted that this is the final report on the previous administration’s County Plan and its associated Delivery Plan for 2023/24.  It was confirmed that the performance reports based on the 2024/25 financial year will be based on the Council Plan themes of People, Place, Growth and Transformation.  The measures will be detailed in the Delivery Plan.  Noted where comparisons can be made with last year, performance was generally better than 12 months ago.  It was confirmed that where the status of items was amber or red, there is a corresponding comment from the relevant project manager explaining why. 


Within Economy there are 52 activities on the Delivery Plan, 27% were completed, 37% are on track, 35% are on amber and 2% were red.  Where performance measures were set 58% are on target which was an improvement on the 50% at Quarter 3. 


Within Environment there are 37 activities on the Delivery Plan with 33% complete, 46% are green, 19% are amber, none are red and 3% are currently paused.  It was noted that Environmental Health and Planning continued to carry vacancies which has impacted performance and confirmed that both services are part of the transformation program to improve efficiencies, introduce new planning and regulatory software and review structures.  In respect of the new household waste contract, FCC has been appointed as the Council’s new provider for the collection of household waste and the new contract will provide the Council with new vehicles across the fleet and two electric vehicles will operate in the city centre. 


Within Community there are 84 activities on the Delivery Plan, 38% are complete, 36% are green, 20% are amber, none are red and 6% are paused.  Progress is continued to be made in relation to short breaks for children including mobilisation of new providers offering group based activities and one to one daytime support.  In February 2024, Ofsted carried out their fourth monitoring visit focusing on children in care aged 16 and 17 and care leavers.  It was noted that the Council’s practice is still too variable and whilst some children and young people received a better service, not enough did.  Ofsted acknowledged improvements had been made but not all quick enough and basic practice is not consistent for all children and young people.  Improved practice across the service is focusing on the quality of assessments, the quality of plans and planning, supervision and management oversight, purposeful visiting and safely reducing numbers of children in the Council’s care.  It was confirmed that the Ofsted annual conversation has been moved to 21 August 2024 and the self-evaluation form was being prepared.  A fifth Ofsted monitoring visit is likely to take place in the summer and the SEND inspection is also anticipated.  The refreshed improvement plan is due to be presented to Cabinet in June 2024.  Confirmed that Deborah McMillan has taken over from Gladys Rose White as the Council’s DfE improvement  ...  view the full minutes text for item 125