Issue - meetings

Draft Annual Report of the Audit Committee

Meeting: 11/06/2024 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 102)

102 Draft Annual Report of the Audit Committee pdf icon PDF 211 KB

To provide the committee with the draft annual report covering the work undertaken by the Committee, during the 2023/24 municipal year.


Additional documents:


The Democratic Services Officer introduced the report and highlighted an amended version of the Draft Annual Report of the Audit and Governance Committee (Appendix A) was published as a supplement to the agenda.


It was explained that this was the first annual report of the Audit & Governance Committee which summarises the work of the committee during the last municipal year. 


The report had been introduced as a recommendation from the LGA and is already being produced by many other council’s. It would provide a visible demonstration of how the committee is fulfilling its role and compliments the council’s objectives of being open and transparent.


The committee were invited to agree the draft report and highlight any adjustments they wished to make before it were published on the council’s website. 


In response to committee questions, it was noted


1.     The Chair of the committee would obtain a response from the Chief Executive with regards to officer’s response times not meeting the requirement of within 5 working days.

2.     The Cabinet member finance and corporate services explained that as part of Thrive’s transformation programme they were working towards making the website more user friendly, viable and transparent. He confirmed he would address the issues with ICT as a priority to be resolved as soon as possible. 




The Committee considered and agreed the report be published on the Councils website.



2023/24-027 The Chair of Audit and Governance to follow up on officer’s response times and not meeting the requirement of within 5 working days.

2023/24-028 The Cabinet member finance and corporate services to address the council’s website issues with ICT as priority to be resolved as soon as possible.

2023/24-029 The Chair of Audit and Governance to circulate the link to the Annual Report to all councillors.