Issue - meetings

Marches Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Transfer Agreement

Meeting: 07/03/2024 - Marches Joint Committee (Item 3)

3 Transfer agreement and agreeing the Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 306 KB

For the Marches Joint Committee to consider and approve the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership Transfer Agreement, following government's decision to transfer all LEP functions to Local Authorities from April 2024.

Additional documents:


The Service Director Economy and Growth presented a report on the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership Transfer Agreement where functions are due to transfer from the LEP to the newly established Marches Joint Committee. The terms of reference were also considered as part of the report.


The members thanked the officers involved in the process and thanked the LEP for all of the work they have done. The Leader of Herefordshire Council put on record his thanks and gratitude for all those involved in the LEP.


The Chair (The Leader of Shropshire Council) proposed that the recommendations be adopted.


The motion was put to the vote and was carried unanimously.