Issue - meetings

Block contracted beds in Care homes

Meeting: 29/02/2024 - Cabinet (Item 95)

95 Block contracted beds in Care homes pdf icon PDF 269 KB

To approve the tender to commence and contract award for a block contract of care home beds which will commence from April 2024


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The Cabinet member for environment introduced the report in the absence of the Cabinet member for adults, health and wellbeing.  It was highlighted that it would provide a better choice of care home beds at better value for money and reduce the need to spot purchase beds.  It was highlighted that 30 beds would be obtained which would provide a saving of £870k over 5 years.   


There were no comments from Cabinet members. 


Group leaders gave the views of their groups. The proposal to block purchase beds was welcomed.  It was queried if there will be an element of reduced utilisation to ensure availability at all times and if this had been included in the overall saving figure.  Queried if the Council were considering to develop its own in house care capacity.  


In response to the queries it was noted that the calculations have been based on what the Council currently spend on spot placements.  It was confirmed the Council would look to fully utilise the block bed contract and would not be keeping spare beds available.  It was also confirmed that a business case was being developed for the Council to provide its own in house care capacity and this would brought to the cabinet member in April / May 2024. 


It was unanimously resolved that;


a)    Approval is given to progress with option 2 in Appendix 3 of this report to commission thirty block purchased care home beds across Herefordshire for a period of up to 5 years with a maximum spend up to £6.82million.


b)    Delegated authority be given to the Corporate Director for Community Wellbeing to take all operational decisions required to implement the above recommendation including all contractual arrangement.