Issue - meetings
Progress Report to the Minister of State for Children and Families on Children Services in Herefordshire Children’s Services
Meeting: 21/12/2023 - Cabinet (Item 73)
To update Cabinet on the content of the most recent progress report of the Children's Commissioner to the Minister of State.
Additional documents:
It was noted that Eleanor Brazil, children’s commissioner to the minister of state joined the meeting. The Cabinet member for Children and Young People introduced the report and explained it presented the progress report from the commissioner. The cabinet member highlighted that encouraging progress had been acknowledged but there were still challenges and improvements to be made. The cabinet member acknowledged that the pace of improvement will be their focus in the New Year.
Cabinet Members discussed the report and it was noted that whilst it was reassuring that the council remains able to provide the service for children and families, Cabinet are focused on ensuring that improvement continues.
It was noted that whilst the report hadn’t specifically gone to scrutiny, there were elements of the report that will guide scrutiny over the next year.
Group leaders gave the views of their groups. The partnership with Leeds was welcomed as it addressed concerns about previous flaws with the programme of support and it was pleasing that the council are retaining the service. Concern was expressed that progress to a permanent work force was too slow and this will have an effect on the budget. It was expressed that more needs to be done in the next six months.
Queries were raised regarding whether a monthly update could be provided to show what action is being taken against the key issues, what the target level was for children to have the same social worker, why didn’t the council respond to offers of support quicker and how the council can learn from the areas which have good practice.
In response to the queries it was noted that a monthly briefing to provide regular updates for members on the key measures can be arranged. Confirmed that consistency of the same social worker has increased to 33%, showing that the workforce is becoming more stable and will continue to be prioritised, noted that the ambition is to achieve 80%. In responding to offers of support, it was acknowledged that this was due to capacity within the service at the time. Lastly it was confirmed that to promote good practice in other areas there are ‘action learning sets’ and performance related workshops to promote that practice.
Eleanor Brazil confirmed that she has met with the Director and his team to make clear what the areas of focus are over the next 6 months and her expectation on progress at that point, in June 2024.
It was unanimously resolved that:
a) Cabinet receive this report and note the feedback from the Commissioner.