Issue - meetings

Independent Member Appointment to Audit & Governance Committee

Meeting: 27/09/2023 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 35)

35 Independent Member Appointment to Audit & Governance Committee pdf icon PDF 234 KB

The purpose of this report is to seek Members’ views on the appointment of an Independent Member to the Audit & Governance Committee.


Additional documents:


The Head of Strategic Finance presented the report on Independent Member Appointment to Audit & Governance Committee.

The report summarised the recommendations of the Redmond review published in September 2020 and Chartered Institute for Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) for Audit Committees in Local Government. Both publications had recommended an independent member to bring a different technical expertise, experience and to improve and enhance governance arrangements.


It was highlighted that the most recent Auditor's annual report which considered the Councils governance arrangements as part of the work on value for money also included this in their recommendations.


The report suggested that the committee considered the skills and experience of existing members to identify areas where they might seek to enhance through the appointment of an independent member. The Head of Strategic Finance would circulate a document seeking to record the relevant skills and experience of members of the committee.


In response to committee questions, it was noted:


1.     Advertising would go through the councils normal channels for public appointments. Advertisements could be included on the Councils’ social media platforms to increase the reach of applicants. Members could use their own networks to encourage appropriate people they knew to apply for the role.

2.       It was highlighted the committee had delegation to select an Independent Member but would then need to recommend to Full Council to appoint that person and any other terms deemed appropriate.

3.       Once appointed the Independent member would have the same authority as any other member of the committee and the committee would increase to 8 members. The Constitution currently drafted restricted voting on certain matters. Voting would be granted on items such as advisory matters where the committee is passing a recommendation that goes to another body for them to adopt. Voting would be restricted on items which has been delegated to the committee to discharge on behalf of the council. For example to adopt a plan or to sign off on a particular strategy. It was highlighted that other authorities restricted voting completely. The Committee could recommend to Council changes to these arrangements if they thought this was appropriate.






(a) The Committee note the information provided on the appointment of an Independent Member to the Audit Committees;

(b) The Committee considers the skills and experience required in an Independent Member;

(c) Nominates the Chair, Vice Chair and at least 1 further member of the Committee to perform the recruitment and interview of the Independent Member reporting back into the Committee; and

(d) Delegates to those members of the Committee authority to make recommendation to full Council to appoint the Independent Member.


Action(s): 2023/24-008 A skills audit to be undertaken by the committee to identify areas where they might seek to enhance through the appointment of an independent member.