Issue - meetings
Housing Benefit Risk Based Verification Policy
Meeting: 28/09/2023 - Cabinet (Item 27)
27 Housing Benefit Risk Based Verification Policy PDF 211 KB
To approve the adoption of the Risk Based Verification Policy in determining evidence requirements for the assessment of Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit claims.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1: Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit Circular HB/CTB S11/2011, item 27
PDF 144 KB
- Appendix 2: Risk Based Verification Policy 2024/25 , View reasons restricted (27/3)
Cabinet members considered a report to approve the adoption of the Housing Benefit Risk Based Verification Policy in determining evidence requirements for the assessment of Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit Claims.
The cabinet member for finance and corporate services introduced the items and clarified Housing Benefit RBV is used when processing claims for housing benefits and council tax support. It allows the Council to focus resources on claims where there is a higher likelihood of fraud and error and to pay low risk claims more efficiently. It is a software application to produce a risk score based on historical intelligence and statistical information. The three categories are low, medium and high. Herefordshire Council have used this method of verification since 2012 and it has been permitted by the Department for Works and Pensions since 2012.
There were no comments from cabinet members.
Group leaders gave the views of their groups. It was noted that the Housing Benefit RBV policy was beneficial. It was commented that the benefits and fraud team were nominated for two years running in minimising fraud and acknowledged their hard work. An issue was raised regarding a resident’s housing benefit claim being reassessed due to the landlord changing agents. In response to queries raised it was noted that:
- Details of the resident’s case would be forwarded to the cabinet member to be reviewed.
It was unanimously resolved that:
a) Cabinet approve the Housing Benefit Risk Based Verification Policy for 2024/25 and notes that the Policy has been effective for the period since initial implementation, as recommended by the Section 151 Officer