Issue - meetings

Update on Internal Audit Recommendations

Meeting: 31/07/2023 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 24)

24 Update on Internal Audit Recommendations pdf icon PDF 152 KB

To review the progress of audit recommendations implementation.

Additional documents:


The Performance Team Lead (PTL) provided the committee with an update on the progress made in the council’s response to audit recommendations made by SWAP in their audit reports issued before April 2023. It was highlighted that:


·            The Housing Solutions report was not included within this report as this was reported during April 2023.


·            The updates on the recommendation could be found at Appendix A to the report.


·            Of the 30 recommendations that were previously reported to the committee as overdue: 15 recommendations had since been completed; 1 deferred; and 14 remained outstanding.


·            Of the recommendations due for completion between October 2022 and March 2023, it was highlighted that 19 of the 36 remain outstanding.


·            Of the future recommendations, 75% of these were on track to be completed; it was noted that from previous forecasts it was expected that these would be completed when the report was brought back to committee in six months’ time. It was highlighted to the committee that when next reported the “future recommendations” would appear as those “due in the period” and the quantity would be increased as it would include audits published between now and the end of September.


·            It was highlighted that focus needed to be on ensuring that those historical recommendations were acted on or at least changes had taken place within the service that mean that the recommendations are no longer relevant. To ensure that completion rates did improve in the future, recommendations were to be included in the new service business plans and it was expected this would result in higher completion rates which would be reported back to the committee.


In response to committee questions it was noted:


1.          The committee were informed of the current process of tracking and the progression of recommendations made from audit reports. It was highlighted there had been some circumstances where reports had not been circulated to the wider audience and therefore the PTL has undergone discussions with SWAP to obtain access to their real time tracking audit management system which should ensure recommendations were recorded and responded to in a timely manner. It would also assist SWAP with having access to the council’s progress updates which would aid them in future follow-up reports. It was stressed that the council would still monitor and report internally.


2.          The Assistant Director, South West Audit Partnership gave the committee members an overview of the audit management system which they would be providing the Council as part of the ongoing partnership.


3.          The Section 151 Officer explained that the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic had been the main cause for so many of the recommendations having slipped.



That; the status of current audit recommendations be noted.


There was a short adjournment.