Issue - meetings

Review of New Hereford Library and Learning Resource Centre Location

Meeting: 22/06/2023 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 Review of New Hereford Library and Learning Resource Centre Location pdf icon PDF 306 KB

To review options for the best possible location of the proposed new Hereford Library and Learning Resource Centre in Hereford city centre.

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Cabinet members considered a report on a proposed review to identify options for the location of the Library and Resource Centre in Hereford. The cabinet member for community services and assets introduced the report and highlighted that the purpose of the proposed pause and review was to find the best possible location for the library.


The cabinet member explained that the library will be displaced as a result of Herefordshire gaining a new and world-class museum. The review will consider if the same ambition can be set for the library and learning resource centre. Demand for retail commercial space at the Maylord Orchards centre remains high and the original plan for a cultural hub in this location is some way off as projects that were due to be clustered with the new library are now locating elsewhere.


The relocation of the library to Friar Street in July 2023 will proceed as planned while the review is undertaken. During this time the opening hours will be similar to those already in place and there will be a redistribution of some services to other parts of the county. The library bus will be updated and renovated and put into use during the time the library is in Friar Street.


Cabinet members discussed the report and it was noted that points raised during the political group consultation will be taken into account during the review.


Group leaders gave the views of their groups. Concerns were expressed about the potential impact of the review particularly in regard to the review coming at a very late stage in the development of the project, the risk to funding from the Stronger Towns Grant and the financial and reputational risks involved. It was queried whether cabinet members had all the information necessary to take the decision to pause and review the project. In response to queries it was noted that:

·       The review will not negatively impact the museum project;

·       The funding plan can be delivered within the set timescale.


It was unanimously resolved:

a)             To undertake an internal review to be reported to cabinet to identify the options for the location in Hereford for the Library and Resource Centre project. Should the outcome of the review require a change to the capital programme, Full Council approval will be required;


b)             To delegate to the Corporate Director for Community and Wellbeing in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Community Service and Assets authority to identify the guiding principles for the proposed review;


c)             To delegate to the Corporate Director for Economy and Environment the authority to cancel all current contractor and related works where necessary to secure recommendation (a) and minimise cost implications.