Issue - meetings
Appointment of Cabinet Members to the Shareholder Committee
Meeting: 26/01/2023 - Cabinet (Item 202)
202 Appointment of Cabinet Members to the Shareholder Committee PDF 207 KB
Cabinet approved the setting up a Shareholder Committee at its meeting on 12th January 2023. This report seeks Cabinet nominations of 4 named members of Cabinet to serve on the Shareholder Committee.
Cabinet considered a report seeking nomination of four members of the cabinet to sit on the Shareholder Committee. The cabinet member finance, corporate services and planning introduced the report and recommended that the nominated cabinet members should reflect the relevant portfolio areas covering services currently delivered by Hoople. She explained that substitution arrangements are set out in the agreed terms of reference of the committee so that other cabinet members can substitute in the absence of one of the nominated committee members.
It was resolved that:
The following members of cabinet are nominated to be members of the Shareholder Committee:
a) Leader of the council;
b) Cabinet member, finance, corporate services and planning;
c) Cabinet member, health and adult wellbeing; and
d) Cabinet member, commissioning, procurement and assets