Issue - meetings
Big Economic Plan
Meeting: 26/01/2023 - Cabinet (Item 201)
201 Big Economic Plan PDF 448 KB
To approve the Herefordshire Big Economic Plan and accompanying initial five year delivery plan 2023 to 2028; and
To explore the principle of developing a place-focused partnership board, to lead the implementation of the Big Economic Plan and other associated key strategies, embedding a cross county partnership approach to achieving the county’s opportunities, and seek the public and private investment required to achieve our ambitions.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 Big Economic Plan, item 201 PDF 1 MB
- Appendix 2 Delivery Plan, item 201 PDF 994 KB
- Herefordshire Big Economic Plan 2022 - branded version, item 201 PDF 13 MB
Cabinet considered the draft Herefordshire Big Economic Plan and accompanying initial five year delivery plan 2023 to 2028. The cabinet member environment and economy introduced the report and highlighted the range of projects the council has recently delivered to support businesses in the local economy. The economic plan sets out the ambition for where the county wants to get to by 2050, with a 5 year deliver plan which sets out the concrete steps towards delivery on those ambitions. The document is a collective strategy with engagement from a wide range of stakeholders and local businesses.
Cabinet members discussed the report and it was noted that:
· There has been good engagement and positive feedback from partnerships;
· The plan seeks to balance investment with planning for future growth;
· The plan will complement other documents such as the market town investment plans and work across the county to bring forward opportunities for rural areas.
Group leaders gave the views and comments of their groups. The document was broadly welcomed and it was noted that:
· The approach would have to be flexible to adapt to changes in central government policy and take advantage of opportunities as they arise;
· Investment in infrastructure is a key priority and while there are differences of opinion as to the best solutions, the council will continue to work with businesses.
It was resolved that:
a) To approve the Herefordshire Big Economic Plan, and initial five year delivery plan 2023 to 2028;
b) To agree to the principle of creating a place-focused partnership board, with proposals to be developed for cabinet’s consideration; and
c) To delegate to the Corporate Director Economy and Environment authority to agree minor typographical and presentational amendments prior to formal publication of the plan, subject to consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Economy.