Issue - meetings

2021/22 Statement of Accounts

Meeting: 31/10/2022 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 45)

45 2021/22 Statement of Accounts pdf icon PDF 147 KB

To approve the 2021/22 Statement of Accounts and associated letter of representation from Grant Thornton, the external auditors.


Appendix A – Statement of Accounts 2021/22 is included in the supplement.


Please note:


The Letter of Representation for 2021/22 cannot be issued without resolution of the technical issue in respect of the accounting treatment of infrastructure assets which is currently being considered by CIPFA; it is expected that a decision on the accounting treatment will be published before the statutory deadline of 30 November 2022 to enable Grant Thornton to issue their audit opinion for 2021/22.  As a result of these exceptional circumstances and to support sign off of the statutory accounts within the statutory deadline, it is proposed that the Chairperson, in consultation with the Vice-Chairperson be authorised to sign off the accounts, assuming there are no material issues or disputed amendments as advised by external auditors Grant Thornton.


The amended recommendation (to that shown on page 61 of the main agenda pack) is as follows.


It is recommended that:


a)           The committee recognises the technical reasons for not being able to sign off the accounts at this meeting.  Following update provided in writing by the Chief Finance (S151) Officer to the committee that there are no material changes or issues arising, the Chairperson in consultation with the Vice-Chairperson of the committee be authorised to approve the final Statement of Accounts for the financial year ended 31 March 2022, assuming there are no material issues or disputed amendments remaining as advised by the external auditors (Grant Thornton).


b)          If there any material adjustments or disputed changes to the Audit Findings Report discussed at today’s meeting then the above recommendation will not be followed through and the Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2022 will be subject to approval at a future meeting of this committee.


c)           Following approval by the Chairperson in consultation with the Vice-Chairperson and with prior notification of the committee as far as practicable, the Chief Finance (S151) Officer be authorised to sign the Letter of Representation on behalf of the council.

Additional documents:


Further to the consideration of a draft at the 25 July 2022 meeting (minute 18 of 2022/23 refers), the committee received the updated 2021/22 Statement of Accounts; the document had been circulated in a supplement to the agenda. 


The Chairperson read out amended recommendations, reflecting the pending resolution of a technical issue in respect of the treatment of infrastructure assets.




a)      The committee recognises the technical reasons for not being able to sign off the accounts at this meeting.  Following an update provided in writing by the Chief Finance (S151) Officer to the committee that there are no material changes or issues arising, the Chairperson in consultation with the Vice-Chairperson of the committee be authorised to approve the final Statement of Accounts for the financial year ended 31 March 2022, on the basis that there are no material issues or disputed amendments remaining as advised by the external auditors (Grant Thornton);


b)      If there are any material adjustments or disputed changes to the Audit Findings Report discussed at today’s meeting then the above recommendation will not be followed through and the Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2022 will be subject to approval at a future meeting of this committee; and


c)      Following approval by the Chairperson, in consultation with the Vice-Chairperson, and with prior notification of the committee as far as practicable, the Chief Finance (S151) Officer be authorised to sign the Letter of Representation on behalf of the council.