Issue - meetings
Progress Report
Meeting: 11/10/2022 - Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee (Item 112)
112 Progress Report PDF 235 KB
This report provides a brief update on issues previously considered by the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee, including responses to information requests made by the committee, updates on resolutions made by the committee, including reports and recommendations to the executive and the Executive Response and executive decision made in respect of scrutiny reports and recommendations.
Additional documents:
The Committee received the report as set out on pages 37-64 of the agenda, which provided a brief summary update on issues previously considered.
It was resolved that:
(i) The progress report on scrutiny information requests, scrutiny reports and recommendations and other matters raised by the committee be noted; and
(ii) Those information requests where a response has been received be agreed as completed, and any other outstanding items be requested for the next meeting.