Issue - meetings
Role and Development of the Scrutiny Function
Meeting: 05/09/2022 - Scrutiny Management Board (Item 17)
17 Role and Development of the Scrutiny Function PDF 225 KB
Additional documents:
The Board gave consideration to the report as set out on pages 13 – 34 of the agenda, which asked it to note the general role and remit of the scrutiny committees and progress in the development of the scrutiny function, and to agree the Key Objectives for 2022-2023 for the Council’s Scrutiny Committees with identified outputs and activities.
Members sought clarification on access to information rules for members of Herefordshire’s scrutiny Committees, and advice was sought on what the Council constitution provided for. The Senior Solicitor advised that the constitution set out the relevant provisions which reflect the legislative position, but added that any proposed additions or amendments could be referred to the Audit and Governance Committee for consideration. The Chairperson and the Statutory Scrutiny Officer advised that an Executive-Scrutiny Protocol was being developed, and it was intended that this would assist with establishing the working relationship and a common set of expectations between the Council’s scrutiny committees and the Cabinet.
The Chairperson of Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee suggested that, whilst recognising the role of the Scrutiny Management Board involved considering issues of a cross-cutting nature at a strategic level, the role and remit of individual scrutiny committees should also make specific reference to their ability to consider the same issues within the particular context of their own committee remit. It was noted that the Member would provide wording to this effect for later consideration.
In respect of Appendix 3, the Chairperson of the Health, Care and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee requested that the Integrated Care Board be added to the list of health partners set out at Objective 8b.
The Chairperson highlighted the particular importance of item 1b on the Key Objectives document, in relation to tracking the implementation and effectiveness of the Rethinking Governance Working Group recommendations on scrutiny. It was requested that an update report be brought to a future meeting, setting out the progress of these recommendations.
It was resolved that:
The general role and remit of the scrutiny committees and progress in the development of the scrutiny function be noted, and the Key Objectives for 2022-2023 for the Council’s scrutiny committees with identified outputs and activities be agreed, subject to:
(i) An Executive-Scrutiny protocol be drafted, to include how scrutiny committees request information from Council departments and on how scrutiny committees can communicate their work to the public;
(ii) The addition of the NHS Integrated Care Board to the list of partners set out at Appendix 3 Objective 8b;
(iii) That the objectives include that scrutiny committees consider issues in greater depth, the wording to be re-phrased by the Chairperson in consultation with the Statutory Scrutiny Officer on behalf of the committee; and
That an update be requested from Democratic Services on operational improvements and progress arising from the implementation of the Rethinking Governance Working Group recommendations, including those relating to the Council website.