Issue - meetings

Hereford Transport Hub - approval of outline design, specification and cost plan

Meeting: 27/10/2022 - Cabinet (Item 162)

162 Hereford Transport Hub - approval of outline design, specification and cost plan pdf icon PDF 449 KB

This report presents an update on the Hereford Transport Hub project, and seeks approval for the cost plan. It takes forwards steps identified in the 22 July 2021 cabinet report for the Transport Hub.

Additional documents:


The cabinet member infrastructure and transport introduced the report and summarised the background to the project.


Cabinet members discussed the proposal and welcomed the progress on the project. It was noted that consultation had taken place and the results fed into the proposed design. There was still an opportunity to influence the final design. A bid had been made to the Levelling Up Fund and the outcome was expected soon.


The cabinet member confirmed he would make sure that a full equality impact assessment would take place as part of the next stages.


Group leaders presented the comments and queries of their groups. The progress in the project was generally welcomed but concerns were raised in relation to the safety of the drive in reverse out design. In response to queries raised it was noted that:

·       A drive in reverse out design was preferred, many existing stations operated this system, and the safety concerns raised would be considered;

·       The scope of the project was focussed on the hub but the design would link into further planned improvements in the surrounding area.


It was unanimously resolved that:


a)             Cabinet approves the cost plan for the Hereford Transport Hub design;

b)             Cabinet approves that the project proceeds from Planning and Design stage (stage 2) to Delivery stage (stage 3);

c)             Cabinet recommends to Council the inclusion of the additional amount of £6.33m into the capital programme; and

d)             All operational decisions to be delegated to the Corporate Director for Economy and Environment in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Transport and Section 151 officer.