Issue - meetings

Communications Strategy 2022-2025

Meeting: 31/03/2022 - Cabinet (Item 103)

103 Communications Strategy 2022-2025 pdf icon PDF 156 KB

This report recommends to Cabinet a revised Communications Strategy and associated protocols to help align corporate communications to improve the way the council communicates to residents and stakeholders.

Additional documents:


The leader of the council introduced the report. He highlighted key points in relation to the strategy and accompanying protocols and principles and noted that:

·       the previous strategy had expired in 2020 and it was appropriate to have a new start with the new delivery plan;

·       the functions of the strategy were in line with the government guidelines to help residents and stakeholders feel informed and engage with them;

·       the strategy linked to key objectives and messages in the county plan.


The head of communications explained that:

·       the strategy was based on the principles of good strategic communication;

·       it established a framework for proactive communications work with greater focus on campaign-led activity, stakeholder engagement and internal communications;

·       the corporate narrative had been developed working with cabinet members, senior officers and a communications advisor from the local government association;

·       feedback provided as part of the consultation on the strategy was attached to the report.


Cabinet members discussed the report and welcomed the continuation of the Herefordshire Now publication as it was important to still have something physical to distribute.


Group leaders generally welcomed the strategy and supported the continued provision of hard copy information for those without access to the internet. It was important to provide information to residents and stakeholders so they could engage with the council.


Some minor amendments to the wording of the strategy were suggested during the discussion. It was noted that the head of communications would make minor alterations and corrections to the documents as necessary, in consultation with the cabinet member, housing, regulatory services and community safety, before final versions were published.


With this caveat, it was resolved that:


a)    The Communications Strategy is approved


b)    The accompanying Communications Protocols and Principles are approved.