Issue - meetings

Delivery Plan 2022/23

Meeting: 31/03/2022 - Cabinet (Item 102)

102 Delivery Plan 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 238 KB

To agree proposals for the Delivery Plan 2022/23.

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The cabinet member finance, corporate services and planning introduced the report. She explained that the delivery plan sets out what had been achieved in the last 2 years, taking account of the pandemic and severe weather events, and the key objectives for the year ahead. It should be noted that the council’s routine business as usual continued alongside the projects set out in the delivery plan.


Cabinet members spoke to highlight key areas of progress and objectives for the year ahead in their portfolio areas. They thanked officers for their work over the period of the previous plan and for the comprehensive forward planning for the new delivery plan.


Group leaders gave their comments and questions on the report. It was noted that:

·       Works to repair the Shirehall would take time due to the nature of the historic building, the council was working closely with the court service to make sure relationships were maintained during the period of closure;

·       The delivery of superfast broadband to 93% of premises represented a number of years of investment;

·       Having less than 1% of waste going to landfill was a huge achievement;

·       Not all of the flats at Station Approach were currently occupied but this was for City Heart to manage and there had not been any request for payment of rents from the council;

·       The report was well laid out and easy to digest;

·       The achievements of the last 2 years had been shaped to a degree by events such as the pandemic, the council had reacted well to the challenges posed and would need to continue to be resilient.


It was resolved that:


a) Cabinet approves the Delivery Plan, as set out in appendix A.