Issue - meetings
2022/23 Budget setting
Meeting: 11/02/2022 - Council (Item 38)
38 2022/23 BUDGET SETTING PDF 418 KB
To approve the 2022/23 budget and associated medium term financial strategy and treasury management strategy.
Additional documents:
- Appendix A MTFS, item 38
- Appendix B savings, item 38
PDF 279 KB
- Appendix C directorate base budget, item 38
PDF 135 KB
- Appendix D TMS, item 38
PDF 812 KB
- Appendix E Reserves, item 38
PDF 194 KB
- Appendix F S25 statement, item 38
PDF 131 KB
- Appendix G Impact report, item 38
PDF 559 KB
- Appendix H Online budget consultation summary, item 38
- Appendix I Public Health, item 38
PDF 417 KB
- Appendix J Scrutiny committee consultation, item 38
PDF 326 KB
- Budget Council Meeting Procedure 2022, item 38
PDF 215 KB
- SUPPLEMENT - Agenda item no. 9 - 2022-23 Budget Setting - additional recommendation, item 38
- Budget amendments - agenda item no. 9 - 2022-23 budget setting, item 38
PDF 298 KB
- Section 25 Additional Statement - budget amendments, item 38
PDF 102 KB
Council considered a report from the Leader to set the 2022/23 budget. Council noted the following supplements published following the despatch of the agenda:
· Budget Council meeting procedure 2022 published on 4 February;
· Addition of recommendation [ j) the new homes bonus grant funding of £1.33m is allocated to the managing climate change reserve. ] to the 2022/23 Budget Setting report published on 11 February;
· Budget amendments 2022/23 published on 11 February; and
· Additional S25 opinion of the S151 officer following the publication of budget amendments published on 11 February.
The cabinet member finance, corporate services and planning introduced the report and moved the budget.
The Leader seconded the report and the budget.
Councillor John Harrington, as Group Leader of the Independents for Herefordshire Group spoke on the budget.
Councillor Jonathan Lester, as Group Leader of the Conservative Group spoke on the budget.
Councillor Terry James, as Group Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group spoke on the budget.
Councillor Ellie Chowns, as Group Leader of The Green Party Group spoke on the budget.
Councillor Bob Matthews, as Group Leader of the True Independents Group spoke on the budget.
Council debated the budget. During the course of the debate Councillor Roger Phillips declaredan other interest in agenda item no. 9 – 2022/23 Budget Setting - as vice chairman of the Rural Services Network.
Amendment 1 – Proposed by Councillor John Harrington and seconded by Councillor Paul Andrews
To add recommendation below:
k) to use collection of Business Rates in 2022/23 to offset inflation increase to car park charges identified in appendix B S8
Councillor Harrington proposed the amendment.
Council debated the amendment.
Councillor Andrews seconded the amendment.
The cabinet member finance, corporate services and planning, as the mover of the original motion, spoke before the vote on the amendment.
The amendment was put to the recorded vote and was carried by a simple majority.
FOR (48): Councillors Paul Andrews, Bartlett, Bartrum, Bolderson, Boulter, Bowen, Bowes, Chowns, Crockett, Davies, Durkin, Fagan, Foxton, Gandy, Guthrie, Hardwick, Harrington, Harvey, Hewitt, Hey, Hitchiner, Howells, I’Anson, James, Jinman, Johnson, Mike Jones, Kenyon, Lester, Marsh, Matthews, Millmore, Milln, Norman, Phillips, Price, Probert, Rone, Shaw, Stark, Stone, Summers, Swinglehurst, Symonds, Tillett, Toynbee, Tyler and Watson.
AGAINST (1): Councillor Wilding.
Abstentions (0)
RESOLVED: That the following recommendation is added to the budget:
k) to use collection of Business Rates in 2022/23 to offset inflation increase to car park charges identified in appendix B S8
Amendment 2 – Proposed by Councillor Nigel Shaw and seconded by Councillor Jonathan Lester
To change recommendations b and c to 0% and resultant change to band D charge in recommendation c.
Councillor Shaw proposed the amendment.
Council debated the amendment.
Councillor Lester seconded the amendment.
The cabinet member finance, corporate services and planning, as the mover of the original motion, spoke before the vote on the amendment.
The amendment was put to the recorded vote and was lost by a simple majority.
FOR (22): Councillors Bartrum, Bolderson ... view the full minutes text for item 38