Issue - meetings
Maylord Orchards Interim Management Plan
Meeting: 25/11/2021 - Cabinet (Item 73)
73 Maylord Orchards Interim Management Plan PDF 310 KB
To approve the Maylord Orchard Interim Management Plan.
Additional documents:
- Appendix A - Interim Management Plan, item 73 PDF 134 KB
- Appendix A(i) - Interim Management Zone Plan, item 73 PDF 816 KB
The cabinet member commissioning, procurement and assets introduced the report. She highlighted previous decisions to bring support services into Hoople.
The strategic property services manager summarised the report. He explained the strategy and improvement plan for management of the centre. A new centre manage had recently been appointed.
Cabinet members welcomed the report and were pleased to see plans to work with smaller businesses and charities.
Group leaders and representatives presented their comments. There was general support for the strategy and in response to points raised it was noted that:
· There was a lot of interest in units in the centre despite the challenges which were facing every city centre, the council was working through plans with those businesses currently in arrears on how this could be repaid;
· the audit and governance committee had received a report on 24 November which noted the current volatility in the value of commercial and retail property and there was an overall downward valuation in the council’s retail properties, however the council had already owned the freehold of the centre when it bought the long lease and had combined these two elements;
· no projects would be negatively impacted by the stronger towns programme, it was expected that the projects supported would attract additional footfall and deliver social value.
It was resolved that:
a) Cabinet approve the adoption of the Interim Management Plan for Maylord Orchards Centre;
b) The S151 Officer in consultation with the Director of Economy and Place and following consultation with the cabinet member commissioning, procurement and assets has delegated authority to amend and update the plan as required.