Issue - meetings

Section 106 Portfolio of Works - delivery proposals

Meeting: 25/11/2021 - Cabinet (Item 74)

74 Section 106 Portfolio of Works - delivery proposals pdf icon PDF 303 KB

To obtain approval of the procurement route, new delivery proposals and processes and to put in place appropriate delegation to approve the spend and resources required in connection with the delivery of the Section 106 schemes identified.


The cabinet member finance, corporate services and planning introduced the report. She explained the purpose of Section 106 contributions and the approach taken by the council as set out in the adopted supplementary planning document. An audit had taken place to confirm that there was adequate oversight and this had identified a need for more comprehensive reporting, consistent governance processes and consistent recording.


The council had previously approved flexibility to forward fund projects ahead of contributions being received and there should not be delay in getting infrastructure in place to support new housing. The focus would be those priorities already agreed in the delivery plan and public realm plans. This report set out the process for taking this forward and spending the outstanding monies.


Cabinet members discussed the report and confirmed that, where there was flexibility in the legal agreement associated with a contribution, the updated Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) would be used to guide the use of these funds. Parish and town councils could also use the JSNA to inform their requests for infrastructure which would inform discussions with developers.


Group leaders and representatives welcomed the report. The need to get projects moving was recognised and it was noted that the council intended to make use of local contractors where and when possible.



It was resolved that:


a)               Cabinet approves the procurement route and implementation of the new delivery proposals and processes and expenditure of up to £9.3m of Section 106 monies, including resources required, to deliver Section 106 schemes;


b)               Cabinet delegates to the Section 151 Officer to take all operational decisions relating to the above recommendations following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance, Corporate Service and Planning, the Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Transport and the Cabinet Member for Children’s and Family Services.