Issue - meetings

Update on Internal Audit Recommendations

Meeting: 24/11/2021 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 55)

55 Update on internal audit recommendations pdf icon PDF 234 KB

To review the progress of audit recommendations implementation.

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The committee considered a report on the progress of internal audit recommendations implementation.


The head of corporate performance introduced the report, summarising the current position and drawing attention to the detailed information provided in the appendices ‘Recommendations overdue at the last report to committee’, ‘Recommendations due between April 2021 and September 2021’, and ‘Recommendations due in the future’.  A commitment to review the management and monitoring of internal audit recommendations was acknowledged but staffing pressures had delayed this work; it was anticipated that additional resource would help to complete this review and embed improved processes in early 2022.


Responses were provided to questions from committee members, the key points included:


i.             Recommendations on specific topics could be grouped under subject heading but it was considered that current presentation of the appendices helped to make the recommendations due for completion more visible.


Later in the meeting, a committee member commented on the potential to group recommendations on specific topics by subject heading.


ii.            In relation to significant partnerships (agenda page 207), the progress with information on the Youth Justice Board and on the recommendation ‘For directors to attend the Audit and Governance Committee with link officer to report on the value of the partnership during 2021/22’ would be reviewed with the relevant officers.


iii.          In response to questions about Section 106 (agenda pages 205, 210, 215 and 216), the chairperson noted that detailed information was available and the chief finance officer highlighted the Section 106 contributions search facility that was available on the council’s public website.  It was reported that Cabinet was to consider new delivery proposals and processes for Section 106 at its meeting on 25 November 2021. 


The chairperson suggested that a request for information on the spread of funding across different wards could be raised with the relevant cabinet member.


The vice-chairperson noted that the current search facility provided information on Section 106 monies that had been paid but it may not indicate monies that may be available in the future which could be relevant to the earlier delivery of development impact mitigation schemes.


Comments were made by another member on the potential of the Community Infrastructure Levy and on the need to share information with town and parish councils.


iv.          The ‘pending update’ entries were part of the ongoing chasing of information from officers and it was hoped that the process could be improved and standardised, with enhanced corporate awareness of internal audit recommendations and actions.


v.           The committee was advised that slippage in the delivery of the review of the income charging policy (agenda page 202) was partly due to the pressures associated with the Covid pandemic.  The vice-chairperson commented that there seemed to be a pattern in terms of capacity across a number of departments which may need to be considered in the context of the risk registers.


vi.          It was explained that internal audit would undertake follow-up audits for priority 1 and 2 recommendations, and were likely to check on related priority 3 recommendations,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 55