Issue - meetings

Approval for submission of Minerals and Waste Local Plan (MWLP)

Meeting: 23/09/2021 - Cabinet (Item 46)

46 Approval for submission of Minerals and Waste Local Plan (MWLP) pdf icon PDF 398 KB

To consider the updated MWLP and recommend to full Council its submission to the secretary of state for independent examination.

Additional documents:


Cabinet member, finance, corporate services and planning introduced the item, details of which can be found in the agenda pack.


It was noted that the list of modifications (appendix 2) had been updated since publication of agenda.  An updated appendix 2 would be attached to the report to Council on 8 October.


It was noted that advice had been sought with regard to requesting more than nutrient neutrality.  The advice had been to request nutrient neutrality as this would mean that developers had to meet this and may also include a buffer as well.   Applicants could only mitigate against their own developments and not historic applications.


Group leaders were supportive of the minerals and waste plan and that considered that the plan should go forward to the council meeting on 8 October.


Resolved that:


(a)             the draft MWLP development plan document (see background papers) and the schedule of suggested main modifications and minor changes (Appendix A) be recommended for approval by Council for submission to the Secretary of State for examination in public;

(b)            to agree that the Planning Inspector be invited to recommend any main modifications necessary to the MWLP in order to find it legally compliant and sound; and

(c)             delegated authority be given to the Assistant Director for Regulatory, Environment and Waste and to the Lead Development Manager to agree, with the Planning Inspector, any additional modifications to the MWLP, if it is appropriate and necessary to do so, in order to facilitate efficient progress of the Plan through the examination process.            Subsequently, such modifications will be subject to public consultation.