Issue - meetings

Update on executive response clarifications to the Committee’s Waste Management Strategic Review and the review of the Climate and Ecological Emergency

Meeting: 19/07/2021 - General scrutiny committee (Item 16)

16 Update on executive response clarifications to the committee’s Waste Management Strategic Review and the review of the Climate and Ecological Emergency pdf icon PDF 235 KB

To receive an update on the executive responses to the further recommendations made by general scrutiny committee on 26 April 2021 regarding the committee’s Waste Management Strategic Review and the review of the Climate and Ecological Emergency.

Additional documents:


The chairperson explained that, on 26 April 2021, the general scrutiny committee received an update on the executive responses to recommendations made in relation to the committee’s waste management strategic review and the review of the climate and ecological emergency (minute 62 of 2020/21 refers).  At that meeting, the committee made seven further recommendations on waste management and eleven further recommendations on the Climate and Ecological Emergency.  It was noted that decision notices for the executive responses to the further recommendations were published on 16 July 2021; the related documents were circulated in a supplement to the agenda for this meeting.


Waste management strategic review


The head of environment, climate emergency and waste services provided an overview of the executive responses.  Questions and comments were invited from committee members, and responses were provided by the attending officers and the cabinet member - commissioning, procurement and assets.  The principal topics of discussion included:


a.         Members of the former task and finish group were to be briefed on the new integrated waste management strategy, with a report due to be considered by cabinet on 29 July 2021.  It was noted that the litter review task and finish group would need to be conscious of relevant linkages to the strategy in its own work.


b.         It was confirmed that consideration was being given to the current partnership with Worcestershire Council and any future joint working arrangements with neighbouring authorities.  It was also confirmed that a waste communications officer had been appointed recently.


c.         The importance of contract monitoring in terms of the destination of waste collected for recycling and the need for further communications with residents about getting waste into the right place.


d.         There was a discussion about the potential for additional communications around identifying, separating and preparing materials for recycling; such as educating people to inform their purchasing choices and the use of visual guides on waste bins.


e.         It was confirmed that consideration was being given to increased reuse provision at household recycling centres (HRCs).


f.          It was acknowledged that the current booking system ensured that HRCs could only be used by Herefordshire residents but it was suggested that there should be greater flexibility in terms of access, especially during lower levels of demand.


g.         Comments were made about the need for the unified waste strategy to put the resident at the heart of it, in order to help them to reuse, repair and recycle.  Reference was made to the national resources and waste strategy and the need to refine the approach locally to simplify and communicate key messages.


h.         There was a discussion about the waste generated by small holiday let businesses, including the current requirement to use plastic sacks.  An overview was provided of the rules and regulations associated with commercial waste.  It was commented that the council should help small businesses to comply with the objectives of the strategy and any issues with national legislation should be highlighted to the government.


i.           It was noted that suspected  ...  view the full minutes text for item 16