Issue - meetings

2022/23 budget setting and consultation

Meeting: 29/07/2021 - Cabinet (Item 31)

31 2022/23 budget setting and consultation pdf icon PDF 310 KB

To recommend the approach for consultation to inform the 2022/23 budget and developing the medium term financial strategy (MTFS).

Additional documents:


Cabinet member, planning, corporate services and planning introduced the report, details of which are contained within the agenda pack.


Residents, including young people, were encouraged to provide their views as part of the consultation process. 


It was noted that there would be a process of participatory budgeting combined with a Citizens Assembly to look specifically at the use of new homes bonus money on climate change and getting to zero carbon.


The group leaders provided the views of their political party.






(a)          the proposed timetable for the development and adoption of the Medium Term Financial Strategy and the 2022/23 budget be approved;

(b)          the approach for consulting on budget proposals for 2022/23 be approved; and

(c)          for a Citizens Assembly to be held in the late autumn to carry out a participatory budget process to inform ways of allocating the anticipated New Homes Bonus funding