Issue - meetings
Annual Governance Statement – Draft for 2020/2021
Meeting: 27/09/2021 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 33)
33 Annual Governance Statement – Draft for 2020/2021 PDF 237 KB
To seek the views of the committee as to whether the draft annual governance statement (AGS) for 2020/21 properly reflects the risk environment the council is operating in and the appropriateness of any actions required to improve it.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 Draft Annual Governance Statement 2020/21, item 33
PDF 598 KB
- Appendix 2 Action from 2019/20 Annual Governance Statement, item 33
PDF 141 KB
- Appendix 3 Significant partnerships self-assessments, item 33
The Committee received the Annual Governance Statement report the purpose of which was to seek the views of the Committee as to whether the draft Annual Governance Statement for 2020/21 properly reflected the risk environment the Council was operating in and the appropriateness of any actions required to improve it.
During discussion the following principal points were made:
· Members sought assurances that where there was missing information on significant partnerships that these gaps would be investigated and completed.
· The high level overview format used to show information about Strategic Partnerships and shown at Appendix 3 was welcomed by Councillors.
· The old performance challenge sessions were now called oversight and improvement sessions.
· The Monitoring Officer confirmed that going forward the number of meetings where the public were excluded would be recorded and reported to full Council in the Leader’s report.
· Although some sections had been signed off by officers who no longer worked for the Council this reflected a point in time and there would be a final overall sign off by the Solicitor to the Council and the Chief Finance Officer.
The Committee RESOLVED that:
1. The draft annual governance statement in appendix 1 properly reflected the risk environment the Council was operating in and that actions identified were an appropriate response.
2. Having considered the register of significant partnerships, they would request that the s151 Officer commission a SWAP audit on the outstanding self-assessment.
3. Where there were incomplete partnership statements that these be completed, and that the format being used for the statements’ current presentation should continue, and be applied to all new significant partnerships and completed within a six month timeframe.
a) The Solicitor to the Council to produce a briefing note on the approach, process and timing of the refresh of the Strategic Partnerships.
b) The Solicitor to the Council to recirculate the SWAP audit on the transparency and governance of strategic partnerships.
c) The Section 151 officer to inform the Committee of the percentage figure of employees with budget responsibilities who had completed the on-line awareness module regarding finance.
Meeting: 30/07/2021 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 18)
18 Annual Governance Statement – Draft for 2020/2021 PDF 236 KB
To seek the view of the committee as to whether the draft annual governance statement (AGS) for 2020/21 properly reflects the risk environment the council is operating in and the appropriateness of any actions required to improve it. The draft will be published with the draft statement of accounts.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 Draft Annual Governance Statement 2020/21, item 18
PDF 597 KB
- Appendix 2 Progress on action for 2019/20 Annual Governance Statement, item 18
PDF 141 KB
- Appendix 3 Significant partnerships self-assessments, item 18
In accordance with paragraph 4.2.13 (b) of the Council’s constitution, the chairperson considered that this item should be discussed at this meeting as a matter of urgency.
The chairperson said that the draft annual governance statement for 2020/21 appeared to contain inconsistencies and errors of fact, he was not satisfied with the document in its present state, and questioned whether this item could be deferred. In response, the interim head of legal services explained the publication of documents requirements under The Accounts and Audit (Amendment) Regulations 2021. The chairperson noted that the document was now in the public domain. The chief finance officer said that the draft statement could be published with a note to identify that it would be subject to further work and revisions.
Committee members discussed the matter, the key points included:
1. Concern was expressed that the document had been circulated after the publication of the main agenda pack, thereby reducing the time available to read it.
2. The vice-chairperson said that various queries about the document had been forwarded to the relevant officers.
3. In response to a question from a committee member on the ‘significant partnerships 2020/21’ section, Jacqui Gooding, internal audit manager for South West Audit Partnership, said that it was up to officers to address the recommendations of a SWAP audit but an update would be sought on the position in relation to the Local Family Justice Board.
4. Consideration was given to the work to be undertaken by officers to address committee members’ concerns, for the committee to reconvene to receive an updated document, and for a revised draft annual governance statement to be released in due course.
5. A committee member acknowledged that the Covid 19 pandemic had impacted on the normal course of business but was uncomfortable with the position with this document.
6. Committee members were requested to forward their comments on the document to
The intention to revisit an updated document at the next committee meeting was noted.
Resolved: That the document was noted. That an amended draft document be considered at the next committee meeting.