Issue - meetings
SACRE budget 2021/22
Meeting: 12/03/2021 - Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) (Item 13)
13 SACRE BUDGET 2021/22 PDF 211 KB
To receive an update on the 2021 – 2022 SACRE budget.
SACRE received a report from the lead officer for SACRE to note the budget for 2021/22. The strategic finance manager, corporate services, introduced the report and explained that the funding for SACRE was agreed through the Schools Forum.
During the debate concern was expressed that SACRE may not be fulfilling its statutory obligations; SACRE only met twice a year and it was felt that additional funding should be sought to ensure one meeting each school term. The convening of a working group to consider if SACRE was compliant with statutory responsibilities and to make a proposal for additional funding was suggested. The proposal would be put to the Schools Forum to consider.
The Chairperson and Mr Caldicott would form part of the working group and a councillor would also participate. Any proposal produced by the working group would be considered at the autumn meeting of SACRE.