Issue - meetings

2021/22 Capital Investment Budget and Capital Strategy Update

Meeting: 12/02/2021 - Council (Item 44)


To approve the capital investment budget and capital strategy for 2021/22onwards.

Additional documents:


Council considered a report by the Leader to approve the 2021/22 capital investment budget and capital strategy update.


The cabinet member finance and corporate services moved the report and proposed the recommendations. She explained that the report contained detail of the investment necessary to provide community facilities and infrastructure. All borrowing was subject to review and a number of projects in the capital programme had been clarified. The building of affordable housing in the county was proposed to help address a shortfall and greater investment in the market towns. Delivering projects within the capital investment budget on time and within budget was key and a new programme management scheme would oversee delivery.


The Leader seconded the report and the recommendations. He explained that the capital investment budget reflected the county plan. It proposed investment across the market towns and took advantage of government grants where possible.


In discussion the following principal points were raised:


·         A sustainable transport system and the suitability of electric buses in rural areas and the future of hydrogen fuelled transport;

·         The continuation of the warm homes fund;

·         The support provided to the market towns was welcomed and a suggestion that similar support is provided to large parish councils;

·         The investment in the enterprise zone and recent job creation;

·         The absence of a large infrastructure project in the capital investment budget, such as the south wye transport package;

·         Capital receipts resulting from the disposal of council assets;

·         The work with Western Power Distribution to ensure the resilience of the power network to cope with an increase in electric vehicles;

·         The construction of quality affordable housing to meet a shortage and the revenue cost neutrality of the scheme;

·         The scheduling of active travel measures projects which could be progressed more quickly following the cancellation of the western bypass; and

·         The support for the principles of the County Plan through the capital investment budget.


The 2021/22 capital investment budget and capital strategy update was put to the recorded vote and carried by a simple majority.


FOR (46): Councillors Graham Andrews, Paul Andrews, Polly Andrews, Bartlett, Bartrum, Bolderson, Boulter, Bowen, Bowes, Chowns, Crockett, Davies, Durkin, Fagan, Foxton, Gandy, Guthrie, Hardwick, Harrington, Harvey, Hewitt, Hey, Hitchiner, Howells, I’Anson, James, Jinman, Graham Jones, Mike Jones, Kenyon, Lester, Marsh, Matthews, Millmore, Milln, Phillips, Price, Seldon, Stark, Summers, Swinglehurst, Tillett, Toynbee, Tyler, Watson and Wilding.


Against (2); Councillors Johnson and Rone


Abstentions (2): Councillors Shaw and Symonds



Councillors Norman and Stone re-joined the meeting.


There was an adjournment at 11.44 a.m. the meeting reconvened at 12.04 p.m.


Meeting: 28/01/2021 - Cabinet (Item 67)

67 2021/22 Capital Investment Budget and Capital Strategy Update pdf icon PDF 421 KB

To recommend to Council for approval the capital investment budget and capital strategy for 2021/22 onwards.

Additional documents:


The cabinet member finance and corporate services introduced the report. She highlighted the changes to the programme since it was approved by the Council in February 2020 and the projects that were proposed to be added to the programme.


Cabinet members noted that:

·        All funding requests were felt to be manageable within current borrowing limits in the medium term financial strategy;

·        The council retained approximately £10.6m in the capital receipts reserve;

·        It was anticipated that the income streams generated would cover the revenue costs of developing affordable housing including any borrowing costs;

·        A detailed and robust approach to project and programme management had been introduced over the previous 18 months, recognising the importance of delivering to time and on budget;

·        Feedback from councillors and the public consultation had been taken on board;

·        Equality impact assessments should be undertaken at the earliest possible stage.


The chairpersons of the scrutiny committees provided feedback from discussions at each of the committees. A comment was raised regarding potential alternative uses for the shire hall in light of the costs of repair work to the building.


Group leaders were invited to present views and queries from their groups. Support for economic development was welcomed and the importance of good project management recognised. It was suggested that the council should ensure it had projects ready to be able to bid for any grants that became available. The emphasis on the ecological and climate emergency and partnership was highlighted and it was also noted that delivery of affordable housing would help people to stay in the county.



It was resolved that:


the following be recommended to Council


(a)    To approve the proposed capital programme from 2021/22 attached at appendix C; and


(b)    approve the capital strategy document at appendix D.