Issue - meetings

2021/22 budget setting

Meeting: 15/01/2021 - General scrutiny committee (Item 34)

34 2021/22 budget setting pdf icon PDF 299 KB

To seek the views of the general scrutiny committee on the budget proposals for 2021/22, both capital and revenue items, following the announcement of the provisional financial settlement.

Additional documents:


The Committee was invited for its views on the budget proposals for 2021/ 22 both capital and revenue items, following the announcement of the provisional financial settlement.


The Chief Finance Officer presented the report, referencing the presentation slides at Appendix F to the report. He responded to two questions.


The Right Honourable Jesse Norman MP for Hereford and South Herefordshire who had been invited to attend by the Committee then spoke on the work he had been undertaking on behalf of his constituency and the County, his ministerial role and some of the broader current national issues.  He then answered a number of questions from the Committee.


(Mr Bill Wiggin MP for North Herefordshire had also been invited to attend but had been unable to do so because of a prior commitment.)


The Director for Economy and Place commented on the work of the directorate, its priorities and the budget proposals.  He drew attention to the key challenges and issues and proposed savings within the directorate as set out at appendix B to the report and one off funding for sustainable transport activity as referenced at paragraph 12 of the report.  He also noted the capital funding requests relating to the directorate.


The Leader of the Council, and the Cabinet Member – finance and corporate services also commented on the proposals.


Councillor Gandy, Chairperson of the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee, and Councillor Swinglehurst, Chairperson of the Adults and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee commented on the recommendations from the two committees.


(The meeting adjourned between 12.35 pm and 12.50 pm.)


The Committee discussed the proposals asking a number of questions to which responses were given.






(a)   it be recommended to the executive that:


1.                 it be clarified in appendix C to the report that it is proposed to reduce opening hours of household waste recycling centres and not to close a centre;

2.                  wording be clarified regarding savings on traded services to educational establishments to ensure that health and developmental interventions for young people  are not affected by budget cuts;

3.                 the budget priorities are re-visited to ensure that monies are found to enable our communities and our major infrastructure areas to be made more resilient to the expected bouts of extreme weather events, notably flooding;

4.                 Cabinet review leaving car parking charges at present levels and seeking to raise this sum from the public realm budget through efficiency savings and value for money savings and from money raised by savings from corporate services;

5.                 in light of the declaration of a climate and ecological emergency the cabinet should consider whether enough focus is being given within the budget proposals to developing green infrastructure;

6.                  £1.2M of new homes bonus be used to progress sustainable transport measures at pace;

7.                 use of shire hall be reviewed to assess whether there are better options for the building’s use and opportunities for better value for money from the building;

8.                 £800k for council tax discounts be reviewed to ensure that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 34