Issue - meetings

Hereford Towns Fund town investment plan submission

Meeting: 21/01/2021 - Cabinet (Item 58)

58 Hereford Towns Fund town investment plan submission pdf icon PDF 587 KB

To seek approval to accept the grant of £162k to support the Towns Fund process, provide endorsement of the submission, by the Hereford Towns Fund Board to government, of a Town Investment Plan for Hereford and for the council to support the bid by agreeing to be the accountable body for the funding.

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The cabinet member environment, economy and skills introduced the report. She drew attention to the vision set out in the Hereford Town Investment Plan. She welcomed Ivan Annibal from Rose Regeneration and Lauren Rogers, chair of the Hereford Towns Fund board.


The cabinet member highlighted that the town fund board membership covered a wide range of stake holders and that it had worked closely with Hereford City Council in developing the town investment plan. A range of projects had been put forward for consideration. Although only some were able to be included in the investment plan, work would continue with those that were not able to be included to see if they could be taken forward in other ways.


The economic development manager summarised the report. He explained that it sought endorsement for the draft plan and agreement for the council to be the accountable body for the grant funding in line with guidance. The towns fund board would then put the final touches to the plan and formally sign it off for submission. He set out the next steps if the plan was accepted by government.


In discussion of the report cabinet members noted that:

  • Considerable energy and enthusiasm had been generated during the drafting of the plan;
  • The proposals aligned with the county plan and drew on intelligence from Understanding Herefordshire data;
  • The museum project would maintain the current façade of the building;
  • An independent assessment had been carried out to identify any risks and issues with becoming the accountable body for the grant funding, the council was looking into the level of support it could and should provide to the management of the projects driven by other groups to ensure risks were managed.


Ivan Annibal commented that the references to the visitor economy had been addressed and updated in the latest iteration of the plan and that the scale of public engagement was very encouraging and distinctive in his experience. This made the plan more likely to be successful and effective.


The chair of the towns fund board explained that the board would oversee the drawing up of business plans for the successful projects with the council as accountable body, agree the heads of terms for the grant funding and look at ways to continue to provide support for a pipeline of community projects outside of the town investment plan.



Group leaders were invited to present the views and queries of their group. The proposals were broadly welcomed and it was noted that:

  • The future of the Maylord Centre could include a range of functions not just retail, it was hoped that modernising the centre would make better use of the space, increase footfall and deliver better social value;
  • The proposal to relocate the library would allow the museum to expand and display items which were currently hidden from the public;
  • The public response to the consultation was encouraging;
  • Those projects which had not been included in the investment plan should be supported where possible.



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