Issue - meetings
Endorsement of the Herefordshire Cultural Strategy 2019-2029
Meeting: 15/10/2020 - Cabinet (Item 7)
7 Endorsement of the Herefordshire Cultural Strategy 2019-2029 PDF 132 KB
That Cabinet approves the endorsement of the Herefordshire Cultural Strategy 2019-2029.
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The cabinet member commissioning, procurement and assets introduced the report and explained that although the strategy had been launched in 2019, Herefordshire Council had not formally endorsed it. There had been significant cuts to the cultural sector in the previous 10 years and endorsing the strategy would show the council’s commitment to culture, guide work with cultural partners in the future and boost efforts to secure external funding.
The museum libraries and archives manager highlighted that there had been a council representative on the cultural partnership for several years and that a wide range of partners were represented. There were in the region of 500 small businesses involved in creative industries in Herefordshire. Endorsing the strategy did not commit the council to any financial support but as a statement of the council’s backing would be helpful in future bids by culture, arts and heritage organisations in the county. By way of example a recent grant to develop a cultural compact in Herefordshire was successful in part due to the council’s support.
In discussing the report cabinet members noted that:
· Savings that had been scheduled for cultural services had been found elsewhere and while funds were still limited it was hoped that endorsing the strategy would help in finding innovative and creative ways to support cultural organisations and maximise the funding from other sources;
· Culture provided support for people of all ages and backgrounds;
· The partnership working was seen positively;
· Supporting the strategy aligned with commitments in the county plan;
· The strategy covered the whole county and investments in culture paid back in terms of quality of life and for the wider economy.
Group leaders and representatives were asked for their views and queries. The strategy was commended and it was noted that:
· The strategy would promote Herefordshire generally and it was hoped that it would support future bids;
· It was important that the whole county was involved;
· It was particularly important to show support as cultural organisations were struggling during the coronavirus epidemic;
· Investment in the cultural sector would generate additional money;
· Joined up working was important both within the council and with partners.
The next steps were discussed. The museum libraries and archives manager explained that he met monthly with the cultural partnership and that a lot of work was already in train. The role that the council could play as an enabler and supporter had become clearer in the previous year or two and endorsing the strategy confirmed that council’s support. There would be further opportunities for joint working in the future.
It was agreed that:
Cabinet agrees to endorse the Herefordshire Cultural Strategy 2019-2029 to inform and support its work with the arts, cultural and heritage sectors in the county.